Evaluation of insulating panels made of cattails fibers (Typha Latifolia)





insulating capacity, Typha latifolia, thermic panels


In this paper the insulating capacity of panels made of Typha latifolia in different forms was evaluated. The results show a significant insulating capacity, placing the cattail as a potential isolating element in buildings. The development of thermal insulation elements based on biomass residues is a promising line of research that will provide substantial improvement in energy efficiency and thermal comfort with sustainable habitat solutions at low cost. The development of contemporary construction elements such as panels or blankets of totora, will permit the improvement of industrial solutions sustainability and a significant reduction in the cost of its production


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Author Biographies

Luis Velazco, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Ecuador

PhD in Architecture and Energy Efficiency in Buildings from the School of Architecture of Barcelona. Researcher at the University of the Armed Forces, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy. Ecuador. Email: luisvelascoroldan@gmail.com

Leonardo Goyos, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Ecuador

Mechanical Engineer, University of Havana. Master in Mechanical Technology Higher Polytechnic Institute "José Antonio Echeverría", Doctor in Technical Sciences. University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Ecuador Email: leonardo.goyos.perez@gmail.com

Reinaldo Delgado, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Ecuador

Doctor and Researcher of the University of the Armed Forces (ESPE) within the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy integrated in the Research Group in Renewable Energies. Rumiñahui Avenue s / n. Sangolquí Ecuador. Email: rrdelgado1@espe.edu.ec

Yolanda Quesada, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Ecuador

chemical engineer. Master in Renewable Energy of the ESPE. Ecuador. Email: yolandaquezada1984@hotmail.com


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How to Cite

Velazco, L., Goyos, L., Delgado, R., & Quesada, Y. (2016). Evaluation of insulating panels made of cattails fibers (Typha Latifolia). Gaceta Técnica, 14(1), 23-32. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1623.8962



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