Focus and Scope
Focus and Scope
GACETA TÉCNICA is a scientific journal that has been published since 2000, currently twice a year, open access, indexed and with peer review process, from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. Aimed at professionals, researchers and academics in the area of civil engineering in all its branches, architecture and urban planning. It constitutes an academic space of an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature, built between the three disciplines for the dissemination of original scientific works.
Gaceta Técnica is currently indexed in Latindex Catalog, Redalyc, DOAJ, Redib, Dialnet, Scielo
e-ISSN 2477-9539, ISSN 1856-9560
Vision: To be a space for academic and scientific dissemination in the area of engineering, architecture and urban planing, with high levels of academic quality
Mission:Development of scientific knowledge in the areas of civil engineering, architecture and urban planning, generating a space for interdisciplinary collaboration. Promote exchange and cooperation networks through the publication of scientific articles and topics related to the area of civil engineering, architecture and urban planning.
- Consolidate a medium for disseminating the work of new researchers and experts.
- Promote intellectual production in the different areas of scientific knowledge that make life in the deanery and in the university.
- The scientific community will provide the opportunity to exchange successful experiences in the construction and promotion of scientific knowledge.
- Stimulate the academic productivity of teachers and researchers.
- Strengthen the creation and development of scientific activities aimed at improving the quality of life of society.
GACETA TÉCNICA is semiannual. Publish two numbers a year. January-June first number, to be published in January. July- December second number, to be published in July.
The call for the reception of articles is open throughout the year.
Aimed at professionals, researchers and academics from educational institutes, research centers, foundations and associations that conduct research in the area of civil engineering in all its branches, architecture and urban planning, nationally and internationally.
Articles are received and published in English in addition to Spanish.
The articles are available in PDF, HTML, MOVIL formats.
The journal does not charge for the delivery, review, publication or any other editorial process of the articles.
Funding Source
The journal depends financially on the Academic Vice-Rector of the Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado University
Open Access Policy
Gaceta Técnica provides open access to its content, under the principle of making research available to the general public free of charge, thus supporting the exchange and dissemination of knowledge. So it is clear that no fees are charged for publication purposes, or to download the articles published in each volume.
Digital Preservation Policy and Archived 
Gaceta Técnica uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), which provides the PKP-PN (PKP-Preservation Network) tool and for this journal the respective Pluging is active. In this sense, with a view to their digital preservation, the articles of this journal are automatically archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), thus guaranteeing a permanent and secure archive in the weather.
The archived numbers can be consulted in the LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto: In this way, the articles are progressively archived, thus guaranteeing that the stored digital information can be remain and continue to be used in the future.
CLOCKSS stores and distributes journal content to participating libraries through the CLOCKSS Publisher Manifest page:
Gaceta Técnica journal is also complete and in open access in different databases such as Dialnet, Redalyc, and since 2022 in Crossref, which guarantees its unique identification and location of its articles, protecting them from URL changes or similar. Finally, the journal publishes an HTML version of each article, which allows it to be exported to formats other than PDF, which currently exist or may appear in the future.
Interoperability Protocols
This journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.
OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata
URL for harvesters: