La Gestión tecnológica en la cadena de suministros en empresas químicas: una revisión sobre términos vinculantes 2011-2021
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gestión tecnológica, cadena de suministros, empresas químicasResumen
El artículo presenta los hallazgos de una revisión sistemática inmerso en la literatura, enfocado en identificar elementos principales de la Gestión Tecnológica (GT) en empresas químicas. Se obtuvieron un total de 556 artículos científicos, utilizando motores de búsqueda científica online. El análisis fue exploratorio/descriptivo usando el método de análisis de contexto de cocitación, basado en la perspectiva de la literatura retrospectiva de la genealogía académica, las estadísticas y la distribución, haciendo uso de co-ocurrencia de VOSviewer® para reflejar la cadena de enlace de hilo común, cuyo resultado denotó 30 términos vinculantes al área de estudio, los cuales son: Costo, brecha, identificación, implementación, mejoramiento, política, productos, producción, sistema de calidad seis sigma, público de interés, desarrollo sustentable, técnica, capacidad, colaboración, ventajas competitivas, clientes, innovación, fabricante, proveedor, flexibilidad, integración, empresas manufactureras, desempeño, relaciones, gestión de cadenas de suministro, adopción, datos e incertidumbre. Concluyendo, se obtiene los términos más relevantes de la GT a partir de la revisión sistemática en el periodo 2011 al 2021, así como también fue agrupado estos términos por medio de minería de datos, obteniéndose 5 clústeres ampliamente definidos. Adicionalmente, se resaltan los principales términos con capacidad de propensión y/o tendencias desde el año 2018.
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C. Ramírez Meneses, “Evolución de la gestión de la SCy la logística, desde una visión tecnológica y sostenible”. Reto, 8, nº1, pp.22–31, 2021. DOI:
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J. L. Diaz Martinez, J. D. Ruiz Ariza, J. A. Contreras Salinas, y H. G. Hernández Palma, “Technology management to increase the efficiency of the supply chain”. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol.95, no.19, pp.5264-5272, 2017. (accedido 19 de febrero de 2022)
M. Gyimah-Concepcion, Technology in supply-chain management and logistics: what does the future hold? En A. Pagano, & M. Liotine, Technology in Supply Chain Management and Logistics. 1ra ed. Chicago: Elsevier, 2019. DOI:
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G. Degun, Unilever’s innovative supplier collaboration programme looks to the future. Supply Management, 2014. (accedido 17 de noviembre de 2021)
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L. Zhang, y Y. Zhou, “Study on distribution network optimization of compound fertilizer supply chain”, IEEE Xplore, pp.1-6, 2009. DOI: doi:10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5302691
C. Forza, “Survey research in operations management: a process‐based perspective”, Int. J. Oper. Prod. Manage., vol.22, no.2, pp.152-194, 2002.
M. F. Barrera Morales, Técnicas de análisis en investigación técnicas de análisis cualitativo: análisis semánticos, de signos, significativos y significaciones. 1ra ed. Caracas: Quirón Ediciones, 2009.
Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University. vosviewer. (accedido 2 de diciembre de 2021).
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S. Parkhi, S. Joshi, S. Gupta, y M. Sharma, “A Study of Evolution and Future of Supply Chain Management”, Symbiosis Inst. of Operations Management, vol.9, no.2, pp.95-106, 2015. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4705.2964
S. Lahane, R. Kant, y R. Shankar, “Circular supply chain management: A state-of-art review and future opportunities”, J. Clean. Prod., vol.258, pp.1-16, 2020. DOI:
W. A. Teniwut, y C. L. Hasyima, “Decision support system in supply chain: A systematic literature review”, Uncertain Supply Chain Manag., vol.8, pp.131-148, 2020. DOI:
N. Wankhade, y G. K. Kundu, “Supply chain performance management: a structured literature review”, Int. J. Value Chain Manag., vol.9, no.3, p.209, 2018. DOI:
H. Li, M. Yang, y S. Evans, “Classifying different types of modularity for technical system”, Int. J. Technol. Manag., vol.81, no.1–2, pp.1–23, 2019. DOI:
L. Gaikwad, y V. Sunnapwar, “An integrated Lean, Green and Six Sigma strategies: A systematic literature review and directions for future research”, The TQM Journal, vol.32, no.2, pp.201-225, 2020. DOI:
B. Shen, X. Xu, H. L. Chan, y T. M. Choi, “Collaborative innovation in supply chain systems: Value creation and leadership structure”, Int. J. Prod. Econ, vol.235, no.108068, p.108068, 2021. DOI:
O. Ganbold, Y. Matsui, y K. Rotaru, “Effect of information technology-enabled supply chain integration on firm's operational performance”, J. Enterp. Inf. Manag.. vol.34, no.3, pp.948-989, 2021. DOI:
G. Büchi, y M. Cugno, y R. Castagnoli, “Smart factory performance and Industry 4.0”, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change, vol.150, no.119790, p.119790, 2020. DOI:
S. Tripathi, y M. Gupta, “A framework for procurement process re-engineering in Industry 4.0”, Bus. J., vol.27, no.2, pp.439-458, 2021. DOI:
P. Jonsson, y J. Holmström, “Future of supply chain planning: closing the gaps between practice and promise”, Int. j. phys. distrib. logist. manag., vol.46, no.1, pp.62-81, 2016. DOI:
S. Prakash, G. Soni, y A. P. S. Rathore, “A critical analysis of supply chain risk management content: a structured literature review”, J. Adv. Manag. Res., vol.14, no.1, pp.69-90, 2017. DOI:
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M. R. De Giacomo, y R. Bleischwitz, “Business models for environmental sustainability: Contemporary shortcomings and some perspectives”, Bus. Strat. Environ., vol.29, no.8, pp.3352–3369, 2020. DOI:
D. Fischer-Preßler, K. Eismann, R. Pietrowski, K. Fischbach, y D. Schoder, “Information technology and risk management in supply chains”, Int. j. phys. distrib. logist. manag., vol.50, no.2, pp.233-254, 2020. DOI:
S. Jawad, y A. Ledwith, “Analyzing enablers and barriers to successfully project control system implementation in petroleum and chemical projects”, Int. J. Energy Sect. Manag., vol.15, no.4, pp.789-819, 2021. DOI:
Y. Shou, J. Shao, y W. Wang, “How does reverse factoring affect operating performance? An event study of Chinese manufacturing firms”, Int. J. Oper. Prod. Manage., vol.41, no.4, pp.289-312, 2021. DOI:
R. Zimmermann, L. M. D. F. Ferreira, y A. Carrizo Moreira, “The influence of supply chain on the innovation process: a systematic literature review”, Supply Chain Management, vol.21, no.3, pp.289-304, 2016. DOI:
R. Mishra, “Configuration of volume flexibility in Indian manufacturing firms: evidence from case studies”, Int. j. qual. reliab. manag., vol.35, no.1, pp.232-265, 2018. DOI:
N. Sick, N. Preschitschek, J. Leker, y S. Bröring, “A new framework to assess industry convergence in high technology environments”, Technovation, vol.84–85, pp.48–58, 2019. DOI:
C. G. Machado, M. Despeisse, M. Winroth, y E. H. D. R. da Silva, “Additive manufacturing from the sustainability perspective: proposal for a self-assessment tool”, Procedia CIRP, vol.81, pp.482–487, 2019. DOI:
H. G. da Silva, J. C. E. Ferreira, V. Kumar, y J. A. Garza-Reyes, “Benchmarking of cleaner production in sand mould casting companies”, Manage. Environ. Qual., vol.31, no.5, pp.1407-1435, 2020. DOI:
A. B. Abdallah, y H. F. Ayoub, “Information technology drivers of supply chain agility: implications for market performance”, Int. j. product. qual. manag., vol.31, no.4, p.547, 2020. DOI:
R. F. Fachini, K. F. Esposto, y V. C. B. Camargo, “A framework for development of advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems in glass container industry”. J. Manuf. Technol. Manag., vol.29, no.3, pp.570-587, 2018. DOI:
S. S. Panigrahi, y N. S. Rao, “A stakeholders’ perspective on barriers to adopt sustainable practices in MSME supply chain: Issues and challenges in the textile sector”, Res. J. Text. Appar., vol.22, no.1, pp.59-76, 2018. DOI:
A. Belhadi, “Smart factory implementation in morrocan phosphate industry”, SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020. DOI:
A. Jääskeläinen, H. Schiele, y L. Aarikka-Stenroos, “Getting the best solution from a supplier – A social capital perspective”, J. Purch. Supply Manag., vol.26, no.5, p.100648, 2020. DOI:
H. Blichfeldt, y R. Faullant, “Performance effects of digital technology adoption and product & service innovation – A process-industry perspective”, Technovation, vol.105, no.102275, p.102275, 2021. DOI:
D. Gohil, y S. V. Thakker, “BC-integrated technologies for solving supply chain challenges”, Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, vol.3, no.2, pp.78–97, 2021. DOI:
R. Mishra, A. K. Pundir, y L. Ganapathy, “Empirical assessment of factors influencing potential of manufacturing flexibility in organization”, Bus. J., vol.24, no.1, pp.158-182, 2018. DOI:
S. A. Khan, A. Chaabane, y F. Dweiri, “A knowledge-based system for overall supply chain performance evaluation: a multi-criteria decision making approach”, Supply Chain Management, vol.24, no.3, pp.377-396, 2019. DOI:
S. Yildiz Çankaya, “The effects of strategic sourcing on supply chain strategies”, J. glob. oper. strateg. sourc., vol.13, no.2, pp.129-148, 2020. DOI:
S. Routroy, y A. Behera, “Agriculture supply chain: A systematic review of literature and implications for future research”, J. agribus. dev. emerg. econ., vol.7, no.3, pp.275-302, 2017. DOI:
M. M. E. Beheiry, y K. S. Abdallah, “Developed priority rules support system for ELSP: a case study”, Int. j. ind. syst. eng., vol.32, no.3, p.405, 2019. DOI:
E. Cagno, A. Neri, M. Howard, G. Brenna, y A. Trianni, “Industrial sustainability performance measurement systems: A novel framework”, J. Clean. Prod., vol.230, pp.1354–1375, 2019. DOI:
M. F. Mubarak, S. Tiwari, M. Petraite, M. Mubarik, y R. Z. Raja Mohd Rasi, “How Industry 4.0 technologies and open innovation can improve green innovation performance?”, Manage. Environ. Qual., vol.32, no.5, pp.1007-1022, 2021. DOI:
P. K. Tarei, J. J. Thakkar, y B. Nag, “A hybrid approach for quantifying supply chain risk and prioritizing the risk drivers: A case of Indian petroleum supply chain”, J. Manuf. Technol. Manag., vol.29, no.3, pp.533-569, 2018. DOI:
L. Fratocchi, y C. Di Stefano, “Does sustainability matter for reshoring strategies? A literature review”, J. glob. oper. strateg. sourc., vol.12, no.3, pp.449-476, 2019. DOI:
G. Rius-Sorolla, J. Maheut, S. Estellés-Miguel, y J. P. Garcia-Sabater, “Coordination mechanisms with mathematical programming models for decentralized decision-making: a literature review”, Cent. Eur. J. Oper. Res., vol.28, no.1, pp.61–104, 2020. DOI:
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T. de Melo Duarte Borges, G. M. Devós Ganga, M. G. Filho, I. Delai, y L. A. Santa-Eulalia, “Development and validation of a cleaner production measurement scale”, J. Clean. Prod., vol.299, no.126907, p.126907, 2021. DOI:
M. Mubarik, R. Z. Raja Mohd Rasi, M. F. Mubarak, y R. Ashraf, “Impact of BC technology on green supply chain practices: evidence from emerging economy”, Manage. Environ. Qual., vol.32, no.5, pp.1023-1039, 2021. DOI:
P. Muganyi, I. Madanhire, y C. Mbohwa, “Business survival and market performance through Lean Six Sigma in the chemical manufacturing industry”, Int. j. lean six sigma, vol.10, no.2, pp.566-600, 2019. DOI:
A. Prashar, “Adopting Six Sigma DMAIC for environmental considerations in process industry environment”, The TQM Journal, vol.32, no.6, pp.1241-1261, 2020. DOI:
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C. Dong, A. Akram, D. Andersson, P. O. Arnäs, y G. Stefansson, “The impact of emerging and disruptive technologies on freight transportation in the digital era: current state and future trends”, Int. J. Logist. Manag., vol.32, no.2, pp.386-412, 2021. DOI:
C. Singh, D. Singh, y J. S. Khamba, “In quest of green practices in manufacturing industries through literature review”, World J. Entrep. Manag. Sustain. Dev., vol.17, no.1, pp.30-50, 2021. DOI:
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S. Ahmad, K. Y. Wong, y S. Rajoo, “Sustainability indicators for manufacturing sectors: A literature survey and maturity analysis from the triple-bottom line perspective”, J. Manuf. Technol. Manag., vol.30, no.2, pp.312-334, 2019. DOI:
S. Hartini, U. Ciptomulyono, M. Anityasari, y Sriyanto. “Manufacturing sustainability assessment using a lean manufacturing tool: A case study in the Indonesian wooden furniture industry”, Int. j. lean six sigma, vol.11, no.5, pp.943-971, 2020. DOI:
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A. E. Narayanan, R. Sridharan, y P. N. Ram Kumar, “Analyzing the interactions among barriers of sustainable supply chain management practices: A case study”, J. Manuf. Technol. Manag., vol.30, no.6, pp.937-971, 2019. DOI:
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H. Sayyadi Tooranloo, M. Alavi, y S. Saghafi, “Evaluating indicators of the agility of the green supply chain”, Competitiveness Review, vol.28, no.5, pp.541-563, 2018. DOI:
T. Pereira, J. V. Kennedy, y J. Potgieter, “A comparison of traditional manufacturing vs additive manufacturing, the best method for the job”, Procedia Manuf., vol.30, pp.11–18, 2019. DOI:
M. Aboelmaged, y G. Hashem, “Absorptive capacity and green innovation adoption in SMEs: The mediating effects of sustainable organisational capabilities”, J. Clean. Prod., vol.220, pp.853–863, 2019. DOI:
S. E. Birkie, y P. Trucco, “Do not expect others do what you should! Supply chain complexity and mitigation of the ripple effect of disruptions”, Int. J. Logist. Manag., vol.31, no.1, pp.123-144, 2020. DOI:
J. Um, y N. Han, “Understanding the relationships between global supply chain risk and supply chain resilience: the role of mitigating strategies”, Supply Chain Manage, vol.26, no.2, pp.240-255, 2021. DOI:
C. R. Vishnu, R. Sridharan, A. Gunasekaran, y P. N. Ram Kumar “Strategic capabilities for managing risks in supply chains: current state and research futurities”, J. Adv. Manag. Res., vol.17, no.2, pp.173-211, 2020. DOI:
M. Öhman, A. Arvidsson, P. Jonsson, y R. Kaipia, “A knowledge-based view of analytics capability in purchasing and supply management”, Int. j. phys. distrib. logist. manag., vol.51, no.9, pp.937-957, 2021. DOI:
K. Tieng, C. Jeenanunta, P. Chea, y N. Rittippant, “Roles of customers in upgrading manufacturing firm technological capabilities toward industry 4.0”, Eng. Manag. J., pp.1–12, 2021. DOI:
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E. Rasti Borazjani Faghat, N. Khani, y A. Alemtabriz, “A paradigmatic model for shared value innovation management in the supply chain: A grounded theory research”, Int. J. Innov. Sci., vol.12, no.1, pp.142-166, 2020. DOI:
P. K. Tarei, J. J. Thakkar, y B. Nag, “Benchmarking the relationship between supply chain risk mitigation strategies and practices: an integrated approach”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol.27, no.5, pp.1683-1715, 2020. DOI:
W. Ahmed, M. S. Ashraf, S.A. Khan, S. Kusi-Sarpong, F. K. Arhin, H. Kusi-Sarpong, y A. Najmi, “Analyzing the impact of environmental collaboration among supply chain stakeholders on a firm’s sustainable performance”, Oper. Manag. Res., vol.13, no.1–2, pp.4–21, 2020. DOI:
S. Benzidia, N. Makaoui, y O. Bentahar, “The impact of big data analytics and artificial intelligence on green supply chain process integration and hospital environmental performance”, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change, vol.165, no.120557, p.120557, 2021. DOI:
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