Verifying implementation of MASOES affective model: Case studies



Multiagent system, afective computing, afective model, emotional interaction, Masoes


Affective computing is a discipline of artificial intelligence that attempts to develop computational methods to recognize human emotions and generate synthetic emotions. Incorporating emotions into intelligent agents can be advantageous in different areas; emotions can make agents more credible so they can play a better role in various interactive systems to simulation level. Emotions would also play a functional role in complex systems, regulating interactions among agents. Different authors are trying to improve the interaction among intelligent agents in multiagent systems; an example is the MASOES affective model, which through the generation of emotions promotes different behaviors patterns. Although this affective model has already been formally verified at the design level, its verification is still a pending action. In this paper, we are presenting the MASOES affective model on a multiagent system, which has been verified in both, individual and collaborative mode.


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Author Biographies

Saúl Jabín Piña, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela

Ingeniero en Informática. Magister Scientiarum en Ciencias de la Computación (UCLA). Correo:

Niriaska Perozo, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela

Profesora-investigadora de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela. Ingeniero en Informática. Magíster scientiarium en computación. Doctora en ciencias aplicadas. Doctora en neurociencias, cognición y comportamiento colectivo. Correo:


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L. Rodríguez; F. Ramos. Computational models of emotions for autonomous agents: major challenges. Artificial Intelligence Review, 43(3):437-465, 2015. Disponible:

N. Perozo; J. Aguilar; O. Terán; H. Molina. An afective model for the multiagent architecture for self-organizing and emergent systems (MASOES). Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Zulia, 35(1):1-11, 2012. Disponible:

N. Perozo; J. Aguilar; O. Terán; H. Molina. Self-organization and emergence phenomena in wikipedia and free software development using MASOES. Publicaciones en Ciencias y Tecnología, 7(1):51-72, 2013. Disponible:

S. Piña; N. Perozo. Implementación de un modelo afectivo para MASOES. Latin American Journal of Computing. Faculty of Systems Engineering Escuela Politécnica Nacional Quito-Ecuador, 4(3):17-22, 2017. Disponible:

S. Piña. Implementación de un modelo afectivo para la arquitectura multiagente para sistemas auto-organizados y emergentes (MASOES). Trabajo de grado presentado para optar al título de Magister Scientiarum en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Barquisimeto, Venezuela, 2017. Disponible:

S. Piña. Código fuente: Implementación de un modelo afectivo para MASOES, 2017. Disponible:

N. Perozo; J. Aguilar; O. Terán. Proposal for a multiagent architecture for self-organizing systems (ma-sos). In International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. ISI 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5075, pages 434-439, 2008. Disponible:

N. Perozo. Modelado multiagente para sistemas emergentes y auto-organizados. Tesis doctoral presentada para optar al título de Doctor. Universidad de los Andes. Mérida, Venezuela, 2011. Disponible:

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How to Cite

S. J. Piña and N. Perozo, “Verifying implementation of MASOES affective model: Case studies”, Publ.Cienc.Tecnol, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 19-31, Jul. 2018.



Research Article