Generalized eigenvalues as an optimization problem: an easy option for real applications in physics problems


  • Joyne Contreras Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela


Generalized eingenvalues, optimization, difusion-connection


The problem of caculating eingenvalues has taken more importance, due to growing num- ber of applications involving matrices that represents several real system. In specific ap- plications as flow mechanics, the interest is gettings an extreme eingenvalues; so the op- timization approach emerge as a relevant option. In this work the utility of calculating generalized eingenvalues in the resulting matix from a discrete equation coming from a real applications, is described as an optimization problem. A polynomial type objective function proposed by Auchmuty is used.


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Author Biography

Joyne Contreras, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela

Departamento de Gerencia y Estudios Generales, Decanato de Agronomía


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How to Cite

J. Contreras, “Generalized eigenvalues as an optimization problem: an easy option for real applications in physics problems”, Publ.Cienc.Tecnol, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 31-40, Jul. 2009.



Research Article