Neuroscience, epilepsy and quality of life. A social approach in Venezuela


  • Ivana Valeria Reyes Hernández Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt . Venezuela
  • Judith J. Hernández G. de Velazco Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. Venezuela
  • María Alejandra Soto Álvarez Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela


neuroscience, epilepsy, quality of life, social impact


The neuroscience as study becomes multifaceted according to his epistemological construction, because from her there stem philosophical, ethical, moral, social, medical, neurological conceptions, which occur into a scientific framework of diverse ways of thinking. Inside this field, there is located the study of the epilepsy, like illness that it must be treated from these several dimensions, of holistic form; from his physiological, neurological, psychiatric frame, up to his aftereffect in the individual and his environment of life, to try to diminish the social impact of his suffering, both for the patient and for his existential context. The object of the present work is to know on the epilepsy, the quality of life about those who endure it, and to realize an approach of social nature. The used method is the bibliographical and documentary review. According to results of investigation, in Venezuela the medical treatment could be obviating important aspects as the adaptation of the individual to the social context and the acceptance of the same one without fears or rejection. He ends, that to propitiate quality of life for the epileptic patients is a need and social debt that it must be settled in the short term.


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Author Biographies

Ivana Valeria Reyes Hernández, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt . Venezuela

Student of medicine at the University of Zulia (LUZ). PEI Researcher member of the study centre of
socioeconomic and political research (CEISEP), Universidad Experimental Rafael Maria Baralt (UNERMB) and the Research Institute of Science (LUZ). Member of the student society for promoting research (LUZ).

Judith J. Hernández G. de Velazco, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt. Venezuela

Doctor of Social Sciences, major in Management. MSC Business Administration. BA. in Political Science
and Management. Professor at the Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Maria Baralt (UNERMB).
PEI Active Researcher. General Coordinator of the Studies and Research Center of socioeconomic
policies (CEISEP).

María Alejandra Soto Álvarez, Universidad del Zulia. Venezuela

Student of medicine at the University of Zulia (LUZ). PEI Research. Member of the student society for promoting research (LUZ).


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How to Cite

Reyes Hernández, I. V., Hernández G. de Velazco, J. J., & Soto Álvarez, M. A. (2011). Neuroscience, epilepsy and quality of life. A social approach in Venezuela. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 4(7), 99-107. Retrieved from