Health policies and consolidated purchases of medicines


  • Enrique Martínez Moreno Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Farmacéutica. México
  • José Carlos Ferreyra López Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Farmacéutica
  • Carlos A. Cano García Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Farmacéutica


public spending, consolidated purchases, global efficiency


The objective of this study is to characterize the behavior of consolidated purchases of medicines (CC), as a strategy of the most important public health policies of recent years to achieve cost containment since 2013. In addition, it is proposed to know if it has been achieved efficiency in spending that guarantees coverage of the needs of the population. To do this, it seeks to measure the efficiency of public expenditure (Ψ) in medicines by defining three goals: 1). "CC coverage index" (Θ). 2). "Expenditure Efficiency Index in CC per capita" (Λ). 3). "Composite Index of Price Dispersion" (ξ). This results in the Global Efficiency Index of the CC (Ψ); it will be done only with beneficiaries of the IMSS and the ISSSTE due to their better availability and information. The study carries out an evaluation of the consolidated purchases of medicines for the years 2013 to 2016, which are proposed as a public health policy aimed at containing expenditure and thereby achieving greater budgetary efficiency. It shows that there is a set of deficiencies that suggests the redesign and programming of the process in each of its stages. It is necessary that the authorities consider new criteria for the definition of drug codes that must participate and thus avoid an increasing number of empty codes, purchases outside of consolidated and non-compliance due to omissions of purchasing institutions as well as suppliers.


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Author Biographies

Enrique Martínez Moreno, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Farmacéutica. México

Co-founder and General Director of the Institute of Research and Pharmaceutical Innovation, A.C., since 2006. He is an economist from the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) and an MBA from the University of the Americas. He has specialties in pharmacoeconomics and access to government institutions
E-mail: emtz@investigació

José Carlos Ferreyra López, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Farmacéutica

President of the Institute for Research and Pharmaceutical Innovation, A.C., since 2006. He is a graduate of the MBA Certificate program from Tulane University. He is an expert in procurement law, government procurement processes, access, basic cadres, and health system in Mexico

Carlos A. Cano García, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Farmacéutica

Director of Production and Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation Institute, A.C. since 2015. He is an economist graduated from the UAM and has graduate degrees in pharmacoeconomics, access and sales to government institutions with an emphasis on medicines. He has collaborated in various economic studies and market research


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How to Cite

Martínez Moreno, E., Ferreyra López, J. C., & Cano García, C. A. (2017). Health policies and consolidated purchases of medicines. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 9(20), 45-67. Retrieved from