Lines of force through the contemporary theatrical device in Cordoba (Argentina)

Connections between academia and independent theater.



contemporary theater, Córdoba, University, independent scene


This work accounts for research carried out at independent theaters in the city of Córdoba, and at the Department of Theater, School of Arts, National University of Córdoba. The inquiry aimed at surveying on-stage procedures and techniques, considering them as lines of force which cross through the contemporary theatrical device. It also aimed at establishing connections between academic and independent circles. Interviews were conducted with directors, actors and different theater makers. More than a hundred plays were seen and recorded, both independent productions and final projects from different classes at the Theater Department, School of Arts, National University of Córdoba.. Furthermore, theatrical productions and theoretical approaches by the authors of this paper were also taken into account. The data yielded by this survey was analyzed against the backdrop of relevant theories and philosophy of drama and aesthetics .It is concluded that some of the problems that appear most strongly in the current theatricality is the crisis of the reality-fiction relationship and the question of art about itself. It is noticed that this weak limit between reality and fiction that is perceived in the social dynamics, is assumed by the theater, which in turn erases its own limits, as a critical view on the web of power that constructs reality.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Macheret, Msc, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Argentina, licenciada en Teatro y doctoranda en Artes por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Profesora en el Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA). Investigadora en el Programa Nuevos Frutos de las Indias Occidentales, del Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Coordina el Archivo Virtual Paco Giménez, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Actriz de la Comedia Cordobesa de la Provincia de Córdoba

Luis Quinteros, Msc, Rivas Cherif Laboratory of the National Drama Center, Madrid, España

Argentino, Dramaturgo, director y docente teatral. Licenciado en Teatro en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y Máster en Creación Teatral en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Miembro del Laboratorio Rivas Cherif del Centro Dramático Nacional (Madrid) En Córdoba dirige la Compañía Ecléctica Teatro


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Entrevistas realizadas
Arce, José Luis (2013) Entrevista realizada por Gabriela Macheret. Córdoba, Argentina
Argüello Pitt, Cipriano (2013) Entrevista realizada por Gabriela Macheret. Córdoba, Argentina
Discienso, Natalia (2013) Entrevista realizada por Gabriela Macheret. Córdoba, Argentina
Israilevich, Miguel (2013) Entrevista realizada por Luis Quinteros. Córdoba, Argentina
Martín, Daniela (2013) Entrevista realizada por Gabriela Macheret. Córdoba, Argentina
Paula, Romina (2013) Entrevista realizada por Luis Quinteros. Córdoba, Argentina
Picotto, David (2013) Entrevista realizada por Gabriela Macheret. Córdoba, Argentina
Yukelson, Ana (2014) Entrevista realizada por Gabriela Macheret. Córdoba, Argentina



How to Cite

Macheret, G., & Quinteros, L. (2018). Lines of force through the contemporary theatrical device in Cordoba (Argentina): Connections between academia and independent theater. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 4(1), 43-66. Retrieved from



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