About the Journal

AGORA DE HETERODOXIAS is an open access, scientific journal that, since 2018, became a digital publication about Social Sciences.  It is an interdisciplinary, international, arbitrated and indexed scientific online journal by the Dean of Economic and Business Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. It is published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. e-ISSN 2443-4361.

Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 1 (2025): Ágora de Heterodoxias and the Sustainable Development Goals in Latin America

e-ISNN: 2443-4361
Legal deposit Nº ppi201402LA4572 Volumen 11, number 1

Title Page
Jesus Pernalete Tua
Colorata V
Technique: Watercolor on cotton paper
Creatium, Perú
Instagram: @jpernaletetua



 Photo credits
Alejandro Coutinho Lawyer and photographer Lisboa, Portugal
Instagram: @alejandrocoutinho
Website: https://alejandrocoutinho.com/

Published: 2025-02-21
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AGORA DE HETERODOXIAS is an open access, scientific journal that, from 2018, became a digital publication about Social Sciences.  It is an interdisciplinary, international, arbitrated and indexed scientific online journal by the Dean of Economic and Business Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” It is published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It started in the year 2015. ISSN 2443-4361