The quality of service and its effect on the loyalty and satisfaction of passenger airline's low-cost. Sonora, México


  • Luis Enrique Ibarra-Morales, Msc. Universidad Estatal de Sonora, México
  • Daniel Paredes-Zempual, Msc. Universidad Estatal de Sonora, México


ServPerf, quality service, loyalty, low-cost airline


The purpose of this paper is to establish a casual relation between service quality and its effect and impact in the loyalty and client’s satisfaction in the low-cost airlines in the State of Sonora. Service quality is measured through Cronin & Taylor (1994) ServPerf methodology, using the structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The analysis is based on 381 surveys randomly applied to the passengers of the three low-cost airlines operating in the state. The results showed that the passenger loyalty is explained in a 72.3% by the observable variable: satisfaction, followed by the endogenous latent variables: responsibility and empathy; while the variability in passenger’s satisfaction is explained in a 60.7% by the tangible elements, assurance and empathy. The information obtained from the data is important for the low-cost airlines in order to decide the quality dimensions they should focus to attract and retain a   higher number of passengers, since a satisfied client will generate a strong identity with the airline brand, and therefore, a higher financial income and more clients for the company.



Author Biographies

Luis Enrique Ibarra-Morales, Msc., Universidad Estatal de Sonora, México

Mexicano. Profesor de Tiempo Completo, Titular 1, en la Universidad Estatal de Sonora, campus Hermosillo y adscrito a la Carrera de Comercio Internacional, con Perfil PRODEP y grado de Maestría en Administración por la Universidad de Sonora en el año 2006. Actualmente, estudiante del Programa de Doctorado en Filosofía con Especialidad en Administración por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

Daniel Paredes-Zempual, Msc., Universidad Estatal de Sonora, México

Mexicano. Profesor de Tiempo Completo, Asociado 4, en la Universidad Estatal de Sonora, campus Benito Juárez, con estudios en Licenciatura en Administración y Maestría en Administración de Agronegocios, actualmente estudiando el Doctorado en Filosofía con Especialidad en Administración por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.


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How to Cite

Ibarra-Morales, L. E., & Paredes-Zempual, D. (2016). The quality of service and its effect on the loyalty and satisfaction of passenger airline’s low-cost. Sonora, México. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 2(1), 38-63. Retrieved from



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