Forced Migration of Displaced Scholars in the 20th Century and Its Impact in the Circulation of Knowledge and Ideas




Forced migration, Displaced scholars, Britain, Contemporary period, Inter and post-war years


This review article is an analysis of forced migration of the displaced scholars and scientists from European universities that arrived in Britain in some periods of the twentieth century, especially during the First and the Second World Wars, and the inter and post-war years; presenting in the final part of this paper, in some detail, how in the contemporary period, the pattern of the academic migration to Britain has changed.


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Author Biographies

Emma Fierros-Pesqueira, Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Mexican. PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Southampton and with a Master's degree in Competency-Based Education from the Universidad del Valle de México. Full-time Professor at the State University of Sonora (UES) assigned to the degree of English Language Teaching and Loose Hours Professor at the University of Sonora (UNISON) in the Department of Foreign Languages

Diana Castillo-Federico , Universidad Estatal de Sonora

Mexican. Holds a Master’s degree in Education from Universidad Tec Milenio and a Bachelor in Education in the field of English Language Teaching from Escuela Normal Superior de Hermosillo. Full-time professor at Sonora State University (UES) in the English teaching major. 28 years of teaching experience mostly at a university level in the field of English language teaching.


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How to Cite

Fierros-Pesqueira, E., & Castillo-Federico , D. (2022). Forced Migration of Displaced Scholars in the 20th Century and Its Impact in the Circulation of Knowledge and Ideas . Ágora De Heterodoxias, 8(2), 36-46.



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