Political, ideological and parental links in the dynamics of government networks





Linkige, social cohesion, homophile, ego-networks


Networking can be defined as the process of weaving, supported by links, an inter- or intra-organizational network with intersectoral scope. In the case of intragovernmental networks, these constitute a system of polycentric essence accentuated by the diversity of organizations, public, private, government, business, educational, financial, etc. that can constitute it, as well as by the various interests, capacities, resources that are inserted in the network, creating an intricate and complex system that leads to requiring regulatory systems focused on negotiation, transaction, alliance, cooperation. If we want to understand the variation in the behavior of individuals, in the case of the rulers of a country, such as a president, we need to look more closely at their personal and institutional circumstances. Describing and analyzing variation among presidents in the way they are setting up homophilic networks embedded in government structures is the goal of this article.


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Author Biography

Rafael Espinoza, La Universidad del Zulia

Venezuelan. Professor-researcher in the area of Interorganizational Networks and Local Development in the Doctorate in Human Sciences, Universidad del Zulia (LUZ) Coordinator of the Research Line Interorganizational Relationships. Universidad del Zulia (LUZ). Master of Art Philosophy and the Social Sciences-Economics and Education. Columbia University, New York. PhD in Development Studies, Cendes - Universidad Central de Venezuela. Postdoctoral in Social Sciences-National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Former coordinator of the Doctorate in Regional Development Planning and Management at the University of Zulia


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How to Cite

Espinoza, R. (2024). Political, ideological and parental links in the dynamics of government networks. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 10(1), 46-65. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10615603



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