Effectiveness of Tranexamic Acid in intraoperative bleeding reduction in c-section patients


  • Meikicrisbeth Torres Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado
  • Fausto Stocco Hospital Central Universitario Dr. Antonio María Pineda


tranexamic acid, intraoperative bleeding, cesarean section


In order to determine the effectiveness of tranexamic acid (TA) in the reduction of intraoperative bleeding in patients undergoing cesarean section (C-section) admitted to the Obstetric Emergency Service of the Hospital Central Universitario Dr. Antonio Maria Pineda we performed a controlled, single blind, clinical trial with 30 patients who were randomly assigned in two groups: group A received TA and group B received crystalloids, 30 minutes before surgery. Lower mean hemoglobin post-surgery values compared to baseline were observed in the group that did not receive TA. Adverse effects of TA were nausea (53.3%), tachycardia (33.3%) and facial edema (6.6%). No patient required the administration of blood products during the transoperative period. Average observed blood losses in the AT and control groups were 390 ± 160.5 cc to 773.3 ±174.9 cc, respectively (p = 0.000). We conclude that tranexamic acid decreases observed blood losses in patients undergoing C-section.


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How to Cite

Torres, M., & Stocco, F. (2020). Effectiveness of Tranexamic Acid in intraoperative bleeding reduction in c-section patients. Boletin Médico De Postgrado, 36(1), 14-18. Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/bmp/article/view/2600



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