Indications and complications of tracheostomy in adult patients at Otorhinolaringology Service oh Hospital Central Universitario Dr. "Antonio María Pineda"


  • Rosymar Maya
  • Mariangel Herize Padilla


Tracheostomy, Indications, Complications


Tracheostomy as a surgical procedure for the management of the airway, which has a variety of causes for their realization; in the same way comprises a series of consequences the otolaryngologist must know thoroughly to prevent its establishment. With the objective of determine the indications and complications of tracheostomy in adult patients in the service of Hospital Central Universitario "Dr. Antonio Maria Pineda" Otolaryngology Service, from January 2014 to July 2016, a cross - sectional descriptive study was realized. The population was taken of medical records of clinical histories of patients tracheostomized for the service of Otolaryngology January 2014 to July 2016, who were given a datalogger form designed according to the study objectives. Of 118 tracheostomies performed this procedure was perfomed more frequently in a 24,6% in the group of 50 to 60 years, predominantly in the male in a 76%, the principal indication was upper airway obstruction in a 46%, and the major complications was late in a 46%, and of these 75% were tracheoesophagic fistula. The obtained results will serve as a statistical basis to leave for granted all the indications that the Otorhinolaryngology takes into account to make the surgical technique under study, as well as the short and long term complications presented, so that will compare with similar lines of research at the state, national and international level.


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How to Cite

Maya, R., & Herize Padilla, M. (2017). Indications and complications of tracheostomy in adult patients at Otorhinolaringology Service oh Hospital Central Universitario Dr. "Antonio María Pineda". Boletin Médico De Postgrado, 33(1), 28-36. Retrieved from



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