About the Journal
The magazine RED DE INVESTIGACIÓN EDUCATIVA (REDINE) of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado is a scientific journal, published every six months, indexed and refereed, designed to disseminate experiences related to educational research that contribute to continuing education in academic processes, and provide to the scientific community the opportunity to exchange experiences in the educational field.
Datos editoriales

Email: redine@ucla.edu.ve
e-ISSN: 2244-7997
Legal deposit: ppi200902LA3304
Languages of publication: Spanish, English.
Year of initiation: 2009.
Frequency of publication: semester.
Place of publication: Barquisimeto, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Publishing Entity: Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado.
Director: Dr. María de los Ángeles Pérez Bernal
Keywords of the journal: Education, Information and Communication Technologies, Quantitative Techniques, Qualitative Research, Epistemology, Education Sciences.

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- Authorities of the Centroccidental University Lisandro Alvarado
Políticas de Redacción

- Focus and Reach
- Periodicity
- Open Access Policy
- Section Policies
- Anti-Blast Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Code of ethics
- Evaluators
- Rejection Rate

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- Guidelines for Authors
- Aviso de Authors' Rights Notice
- History of the Magazine