complexus vision of teaching: lider transformational in the culture of peace



complexity, transformational leadership, culture of peace


The current educational socio urges teachers to a reflection on the impact that his skills as a transformational leader will have on the education of their students and thus to face the great challenges of humanistic approach. It is noteworthy that the need is attributed to the school environment on generating area of ​​peace, which must be complemented by events and interactions that occur in day to day school education. Peace begins within each being and it is necessary to implement it not in words but through actions, not just manage content, but also educating for life and for the formation of his personality. In this sense, this article aims to show complexus vision of teachers as transformational leader and its impact on social actors that make active life at various levels and forms of education, which require create opportunities for peace for the achievement effective, creative and dynamic educational events.


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Author Biography

Jenny Cecilia Terán Figueroa, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa. Venezuela

Profesora de Educación Comercial.

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa

Barquisimeto – Edo. Lara - Venezuela

Magister en Educación.  Mención: Gerencia Educacional.

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa

Barquisimeto – Edo. Lara - Venezuela

Doctora en Ciencia de la Educación

Universidad Fermín Toro. Cabudare – Edo. Lara – Venezuela

Cursa estudios libres postdoctoral. (PhD).

Universidad Fermín Toro. Cabudare – Edo. Lara – Venezuela

Coordinadora de Evaluación en la E.T.I. “La Carucieña”.

Barquisimeto – Edo. Lara - Venezuela      


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How to Cite

Terán Figueroa, J. C. (2018). complexus vision of teaching: lider transformational in the culture of peace. Red De Investigación Educativa, 8(2), 110 - 115. Retrieved from