environmental values training from the perspective of sustainable human development


  • Gelsy Josefina Perdomo Suárez Escuela Bolivariana Esteban Rasquín. Venezuela
  • Belkis Briceño Escuela Bolivariana Esteban Rasquín. Venezuela


training, values, initial education, sustainable human development, environmental education


This dissertation was aimed to create spaces for reflexive training for the formation of environmental values ​​from the perspective of sustainable development, due to the situation that presents humanity with the increasing environmental deterioration, it arises from the participatory diagnosis carried out in the Bolivarian school Esteban RASQUIN located in the Alto de Escuque in Trujillo state. It supported the sociocritic paradigm, qualitative methodology is assumed as participatory action research method, since phases: diagnosis, planning, implementation and reflection applied throughout the development of research. We conclude that we are all responsible for transforming our context as long as we value ours and all that mother nature gives us for the benefit of all who yearn to achieve balance and harmony between human beings and the environment.


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Author Biographies

Gelsy Josefina Perdomo Suárez, Escuela Bolivariana Esteban Rasquín. Venezuela

Universidad Latinoamericana y Del Caribe

Caracas. Distrito Federal – Venezuela

Doctora en Educación (ULAC)

Magister en Educación Inicial (ULAC)

 Lic. Educación Inicial (UJMV)

 Docente Coordinadora de Educación Inicial

 Escuela Bolivariana “Esteban Rasquín de Trujillo.

Trujillo. Edo. Trujillo - Venezuela

Belkis Briceño, Escuela Bolivariana Esteban Rasquín. Venezuela

Universidad Marta Abreu de las Villas-Cuba

Santa Clara - Cuba

Magister en Educación (UMAV),

Pro. En Educación Integral, Directora (e)  en la Escuela Bolivariana Esteban Rasquín de Trujillo.

Trujillo. Edo. Trujillo - Venezuela


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How to Cite

Perdomo Suárez, G. J., & Briceño, B. (2018). environmental values training from the perspective of sustainable human development. Red De Investigación Educativa, 8(2), 150 - 155. Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/redine/article/view/1209



Reflection Article