gender-based education and reading understanding in english with specific purposes: systematic review


  • Bexi Perdomo Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela


discursive genres, english for specific purposes, reading, teaching, effectiveness


Genre-based teaching has widely been accepted worldwide in the context of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)  in all its branches. However, Teachers do not have Access to systematic reviews providing input for an appropriate teaching practice according to the principles of Evidence Based Practice regarding Reading and reading comprehension teaching. Objective: to describe the effectiveness of genre-based teaching for reading comprehension in English for Specific Purposes students. Methodology: It was performed a systematic review. Search criteria included articles selection by skill (reading comprehension) and study design (experimental only), among other. Results: few studies on the efficiency of genre based teaching on Reading comprehension in English with Specific Purposes were found. Three categories arose: general effectiveness, foreign language proficiency and students’ gender. A trend to research on other variables was also observed. Conclusions: it is recommended to teach genre based reading comprehension in the teaching practice of English for Specific Purposes, taking into account groups’ homogeneity just in terms of general foreign language proficiency. However, more research on the issue is needed.


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Author Biography

Bexi Perdomo, Universidad de Los Andes. Venezuela

Prof. Asociado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Los Andes (FOULA).

Lic. en Educación Mención Inglés, Abogado

 Magister en Educación Mención Enseñanza de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera.

Jefa del Dpto. de Investigación de la FOULA

Mérida – Edo. Mérida. – Venezuela


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How to Cite

Perdomo, B. (2018). gender-based education and reading understanding in english with specific purposes: systematic review. Red De Investigación Educativa, 10(1), 29 - 41. Retrieved from