the multi method as an innovative approach to elaboration of degree work in the mastery of UPEL - IPB


  • Audra Y. Ambrocio Investigador Independiente
  • Wilmer Rafael Chávez Rea Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela


The present qualitative research, has as intentions to unveil, interpret, understand and generate, a body of knowledge inherent in the vision of teachers of the Master's Program in Educational Research of the UPEL-IPB on the multimethod approach as a research method. Being inserted in the Research Line: Qualitative Research Network in Education. The research was approached under the shelter of the socio-constructionist paradigm, supporting me methodologically in hermeneutical phenomenology with techniques typical of symbolic interactionism, which detected the collection and analysis of the findings; Ontologically it is Relativistic, since there are multiple versions of reality, as well as epistemologically transactional-dialogic-subjective sea, since knowledge was sustained by the interpretation obtained by social actors; for the collection of the information, the participant observation and the in-depth interview were selected, selecting the key informants through an intentional sampling, which gave birth to the investigation; All this served to demonstrate the importance of understanding and using new approaches for the elaboration of degree work in the masters of educational research.


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Author Biographies

Audra Y. Ambrocio, Investigador Independiente

Lcda. en Educación Integral.

Dpto. de Maestría de Investigación.

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)

Barquisimeto. Edo Lara - Venezuela

Wilmer Rafael Chávez Rea, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Decanato de Humanidades y Arte (DEHA)

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)

Edo. Lara. Venezuela.



How to Cite

Ambrocio, A. Y., & Chávez Rea, W. R. (2019). the multi method as an innovative approach to elaboration of degree work in the mastery of UPEL - IPB. Red De Investigación Educativa, 12(1), 1 - 11. Retrieved from