Postmodern methodology to deepen educational values


  • Soraya B. Rojas Timaure Universidad de Chile (UC)


education in values, ethnography, grounded theory


This analysis responds to a process of scientific and technical construction of a project framed in the education in values, which starting from a concrete reality, proposes a particular way of approaching this context, moving further away from the traditional research items and entering a more contiguous vision, starting from the potspositivist paradigm, phenomenological methodology, combining visions from ethnography, hermeneutics and grounded theory; that will allow in the end to propose a theory that promotes specific intervention programs for education in values ​​in Education. The purpose of this is to offer the university community a research route, not to follow as a rule, but to guide future social research, based on authors such as Martinez 2004, Garcia and Mínguez (2011), Glaser and Strauss (1967).


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Author Biography

Soraya B. Rojas Timaure, Universidad de Chile (UC)

Lcda. en Educación.

Especialista en Metodología de la Investigación.

Doctora en Educación

 Coordinadora Nacional de Solidaridad del Instituto Técnico Profesional Duoc.

Casa Central

Universidad de Chile (UC)

Santiago de Chile - Chile



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How to Cite

Rojas Timaure, S. B. (2021). Postmodern methodology to deepen educational values. Red De Investigación Educativa, 14(1), 1- 17. Retrieved from