Rethinking teaching practice: the teacher as an episthemic subject in Curricular Construction


  • Aura Mercedes Medina Álvarez Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa
  • Milibeth Josefina Villarreal Torres Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa



teaching practice, epistemic subject, curricular, curricular construction


The intention of this essay focuses on reflecting on teaching practice from the perspective of being a teacher as a professional who generates and transforms knowledge in its context. We interpret the curriculum, from epistemic thinking, as a flexible, recursive, and unfinished framework, which allows interaction and interdependence between the different elements of the curriculum intertwined to provide a meaningful educational experience in an evolving society. We understand that the teacher as an epistemic subject, in curricular construction, should develop the following functions: (a) Researcher, of socio-educational phenomena, (b) Curriculum builder, to design innovative proposals, (c) Change agent, by promoting development social from a scientific and technological perspective. Finally, the transformative potential of education to cultivate human and social development, with the teacher as a key agent in this process. It is part of the research line Curriculum Innovations in and for Social Development of the UPEL-IPB.



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Author Biographies

Aura Mercedes Medina Álvarez, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa

Aura Mercedes Medina Álvarez

Profesora de Educación Agropecuaria UPEL-IPB.

Maestrante en el Programa de Maestría en Currículo UPEL-IPB.

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa (UPEL)

Barquisimeto. Edo. Lara – Venezuela

Docente Ciencias Naturales, Instituto Montessori.


Orcid: 0009-0007-1382-1827

Milibeth Josefina Villarreal Torres, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa

Milibeth Josefina Villarreal Torres.

Dra. En Educación UCLA-UPEL-UNEXPO

Magister en Educación Técnica

Profesora Educación Comercial UPEL-IPB

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa (UPEL)

Barquisimeto. Edo. Lara – Venezuela

Profesora de Educación Técnica y Formación Profesional

Universidad de Chile.

Santiago de Chile

Docente Maestría en Currículo UPEL-IPB

Coordinadora de Evaluación y Gestión Curricular.

Universidad del Alba, Chile.

Santiago de Chile




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How to Cite

Medina Álvarez, A. M., & Villarreal Torres, M. J. (2024). Rethinking teaching practice: the teacher as an episthemic subject in Curricular Construction. Red De Investigación Educativa, 16(2), 30-37.