Antihepatitis coverage B. health workers. Civil Hospital of Maracay. Girardot municipality. Aragua 2014


  • Ana Perez Rodriguez Institute of higher studies Arnoldo Gabaldon
  • Tami Ford Carrizo Municipal Health Office of the Girardot municipality of Aragua state
  • Silvia Suarez Salazar Aragua State Health Corporation
  • Ana Rodriguez Rodriguez Institute of higher studies Arnoldo Gabaldon
  • Ingrid Ford Institute of higher studies Arnoldo Gabaldon


healthworkers, vaccination coverage, vaccination scheme, Hepatitis B.


Hepatitis B infection is a public health problem, which according to the Pan American Health Organization, Venezuela has an intermediate prevalence (2.2 – 8 percent) and the highest associated factor is occupational exposure to sharp objects, therefore, international health agencies indicate vaccination. This issue prompted the research that determined the vaccination coverage against hepatitis B in workers at "Dr. Abbot Ephraim " Outpatient Clinic and Girardot Aragua State


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Author Biographies

Ana Perez Rodriguez, Institute of higher studies Arnoldo Gabaldon

Physician, teacher High studies Institute Arnoldo Gabaldon, Maracay, Venezuela.

Tami Ford Carrizo, Municipal Health Office of the Girardot municipality of Aragua state

Doctor, funcionario municipal Health Office of the Girardot municipality of Aragua state, Venezuela.

Silvia Suarez Salazar, Aragua State Health Corporation

Doctor, official of the health corporation of the state of Aragua, Venezuela.

Ana Rodriguez Rodriguez, Institute of higher studies Arnoldo Gabaldon

Physician, teacher high studies institute Arnoldo Gabaldon, Maracay, Venezuela.

Ingrid Ford, Institute of higher studies Arnoldo Gabaldon

Physician, teacher high studies institute Arnoldo Gabaldon, Maracay, Venezuela.


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11.- Camacho, S. Inmunización Antihepatitis B en trabajadores de la red ambulatoria. Tinaquillo estado Cojedes. 2011. Instituto de Altos Estudios “Dr. Arnoldo Gabaldon. Aragua. República Bolivariana de Venezuela. 12.- Márquez, G., Hernández, M., Rodríguez, K. &Martínez, M. Vacunación contra hepatitis B en el personal de salud de la red ambulatoria y Dirección Municipal de Salud (DMS) del municipio Zamora. Aragua, Venezuela. 2010. [Citado 12 de septiembre de 2014]: Disponible en:
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How to Cite

Perez Rodriguez, A., Ford Carrizo, T., Suarez Salazar, S., Rodriguez Rodriguez, A., & Ford, I. (2018). Antihepatitis coverage B. health workers. Civil Hospital of Maracay. Girardot municipality. Aragua 2014. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 3(2), 43-50. Retrieved from



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