Clinical and epidemiological characterization of gunshot or stab injuries hospital central universitario Antonio Maria Pineda


  • María Calderón University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Cooz Marife Chan Kwai Tei University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Marianny Domínguez University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Karen García University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Gabriel Gómez University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Lynn Morales University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Damelis Daza University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.


Violence, Weapons, Lesions, Prevention


The present study aims to determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of gunshot injuries or stab entering
the University Central Hospital "Antonio Maria Pineda", Barquisimeto, Lara state. A study was conducted descriptive,
transversal. The population consisted of 269 injured patients admitted to the emergency room of Hospital in the period
September-October 2012. The data were collected in a structured form in parts III, among the findings, we found a higher
percentage of injuries among males (94.1%) in the age group of 20 and 35 years (60.2%), in workers (53.2%) and
in IV (69.1%). Sunday was the day with the highest number of injuries (23.4%), the time of day with the highest
occurrence was the night (44.6%). The 97.4% occurred in Lara state of which 64.5% were in the municipality Iribarren,
being the Juan de Villegas parish which has the highest percentage of injuries (25.4%). The most common place of
occurrence was in the street (72.9%) ̧ moreover, theft (48.7%) was the main reason for aggression, predominantly used a
firearm (85.5%) mostly short (60.9%) injuries were complicated in 83.6% of cases, compromising the neurovascular
system with 73.8% in the degree of contamination was demonstrated 39.4% of contaminated and clean-contaminated, the
most affected anatomical region corresponded to multiple body regions (20.4%). This research provides data for the
development of protocols for the immediate care of the gunshot or stabbed patient.



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Author Biography

Damelis Daza, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Medico, Doctor en Salud Publica, Docente del Dcanato de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Centoccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Calderón, M., Chan Kwai Tei, C. M., Domínguez, M., García, K., Gómez, G., Morales, L., & Daza, D. (2018). Clinical and epidemiological characterization of gunshot or stab injuries hospital central universitario Antonio Maria Pineda. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 2(2), 7-15. Retrieved from



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