Doctor patient relationship as human link transcendental in health organizations


  • Lisbeth Reales Chacon, PhD University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.


medical interview, health care organization, quality, patient-physician relationship


The doctor-patient relationship a vital human bond is contextualized towards meeting the conscious or unconscious patient demands. It is an interaction that influences the patient's perception about the quality of care and their willingness to return to a following query, facilitating consensus decision-making, leaving the ultimate satisfaction of both parties for the service provided / received.


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Author Biography

Lisbeth Reales Chacon, PhD, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Internist Doctor, Doctor in Education, Professor Department of Internal Medicine, Deanship of
Cs of Health, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvbarado, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Reales Chacon, L. (2018). Doctor patient relationship as human link transcendental in health organizations. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 3(1), 45-49. Retrieved from