Community experiences in health for integration University and Pío Tamayo community.


  • Josefa Materano University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Dinora Rebolledo, PhD University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Vilda Rodriguez University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Mirian Arteaga University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Rafael Jesus Gasperi Romero, PhD University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Noris Zambrano University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.
  • Rosa Rivas Members of the Pio Tamayo Community
  • Aura Arevalo Members of the Pio Tamayo Community


Experience, integration, University, Community, investigation action


The present study, aims to integrate community experiences in Health of the University and Community "Pio Tamayo" to generate social changes in the context of study.


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Author Biographies

Josefa Materano, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Lic in Nursing, Professor of the nursing program, Dean of Health Cs, Universidad Centroccidental
Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

Dinora Rebolledo, PhD, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Lic. In Nursing, Doctor in Nursing, Professor of the Dept. of Nursing, Dec Cs. of Health,
Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

Vilda Rodriguez, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Lic. In Nursing, Doctor in Nursing, Professor of the Dept. of Nursing, Dec Cs. of Health,
Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

Mirian Arteaga, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Lic. In Nursing, Doctor in Nursing, Professor of the Dept. of Nursing, Dec Cs. of Health,
Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

Rafael Jesus Gasperi Romero, PhD, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Pediatrician, Master in Public Health, PhD in Behavior Research at the University of Malaga, Spain, Full Professor and Researcher at the Cs Decanato de la Salud, Dept. of Preventive and Social Medicine at the Lisandro Alvarado Centroccidental University, Venezuela.

Noris Zambrano, University Centrocidental Lisandro Alavarado, Venezuela.

Lic. In Nursing, Doctor in Nursing, Professor of the Dept. of Nursing, Dec Cs. of Health,
Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Venezuela.

Rosa Rivas, Members of the Pio Tamayo Community

Members of the Pio Tamayo Community Health Committee, Barquisimeto. Venezuela.

Aura Arevalo, Members of the Pio Tamayo Community

Members of the Pio Tamayo Community Health Committee, Barquisimeto. Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Materano, J., Rebolledo, D., Rodriguez, V., Arteaga, M., Gasperi Romero, R. J., Zambrano, N., Rivas, R., & Arevalo, A. (2018). Community experiences in health for integration University and Pío Tamayo community. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 3(1), 29-36. Retrieved from



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