Do not take risks



At present, Venezuela has around 400 daily cases of infected people diagnosed by Covid 19, for a total of 93,921 positive cases and 819 deaths until November 5, a figure that increases day by day. The number of cases is probably higher but we know the underreporting that exists in the country due to the lack of an adequate epidemiological surveillance mechanism and in addition to the lack of a sufficient number of rapid tests and PCR to diagnose this disease.


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Author Biography

Rafael Jesús Gasperi Romero, PhD., Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado

Rafael Gasperi Romero, Médico Pediatra, Salubrista, Docente de pregrado y Postgrado Decanato de Medicina, Magister Salud Publica, Doctorado por la Universidad Málaga España.   Director de la RVSP :




How to Cite

Gasperi Romero, R. J. (2020). Do not take risks. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 8(2), 1. Retrieved from