Burnout syndrome in medicine students, 2018-2019, in Venezuelan university.


  • Navas Zulyelva Hospital del IVSS Dr. José Francisco Molina Sierra. Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.
  • Petit Karianny Universidad de Carabobo. Hospital Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara. Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.
  • Jesus Aparicio Hospital Militar Dr. José Ángel Álamo. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.


S.Burnout, students, Maslach Burnout Inventory


Burnout Syndrome is considered a global epidemic and a public health problem, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced feelings of work-related personal accomplishment. The present study was based on an investigation which it determined the presence of Burnout Syndrome in medical students at the “Dr. José Francisco Molina Sierra” Hospital, between May 2018 - May 2019. It was carried out in an analytical matrix, based on the scientific method and non-experimental, cross-sectional design, located at the comparative and field-type level. Medical students were used as a population to study. The technique for data collection was the survey, and the instrument was the self-control test, the "Maslach Burnout Inventory", in the Colombian version. The Burnout Syndrome was present in 66% of medical students, with subscale values ​​of 69% for high level of emotional exhaustion, 47% for high level of depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment with a low level of 53%.


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Author Biography

Jesus Aparicio, Hospital Militar Dr. José Ángel Álamo. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

Médico Interno, Hospital Militar Dr. José Ángel Álamo​. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.



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How to Cite

Zulyelva, N., Karianny, P., & Aparicio, J. (2021). Burnout syndrome in medicine students, 2018-2019, in Venezuelan university. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 9(1), 51-66. Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/rvsp/article/view/3246



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