Knowledge, risk perception and quantification of hepatitis b surface antigen antibodies in clinical laboratory w


  • Jorge Llangarí Cujilema Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Maestría en Laboratorio Clínico mención Microbiología Clínica. Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Salud Pública. INSPI. Dr. Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez. Zonal-Tena. Ecuador
  • Glenda Velásquez Serra Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Carrera de Medicina. Catedra de Medicina Tropical
  • Erika Espinosa Caiza Laboratorios Clínicos MEDLAB. Ecuador


Antibodies, Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the etiologic agent of a universally distributed liver disease, causing chronic infection, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. A descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was carried out between May-June 2019. This research inquired about the knowledge, forms of contagion, professional risk behaviors and quantified the levels of HBsAb antibodies in the samples of clinical analysts working in the area. of the Clinical Laboratory of the provinces of Orellana and Napo, belonging to the Zonal Coordination 2-Health (MSPE-Z2) in Ecuador. The population was made up of 77 professionals with the hepatitis B vaccination certificate. Blood samples were taken and processed in the INSPI laboratory in the city of Tena. The survey was used as an instrument to collect information about the knowledge that the workers had about this pathology and a form to record results of the levels of antibodies against HBsAg and response classification. It was found that 64% (49/77) of the participants were female and 36% (28/77) were male. The predominant age group in the study sample was <35 years (80%, 55/77); 47% (36/77) received at least one training on the risk of HBV transmission; 97.0% (75/77) know the biosafety standards. Only 57.0% (44/77) applied the standards in HBV positive patients. The Jambi Huasi Health Center (Orellana) obtained values ​​<10mlU / mL; Seroprotection (10-100mlU / mL) was observed in participants from Hospital de Baeza (Napo); the hyperresponse> 100mlU / mL, mainly in the Loreto Health Center (Orellana) and Joya de los Sachas.


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How to Cite

Llangarí Cujilema, J., Velásquez Serra, G., & Espinosa Caiza , E. (2021). Knowledge, risk perception and quantification of hepatitis b surface antigen antibodies in clinical laboratory w. Revista Venezolana De Salud Pública, 9(2), 47-54. Retrieved from



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