Código de Ética

                                                               ETHIC CODE

The RVSP attached to the good practices of a scientific publication and to ensure that codes of ethics are complied with, will require its authors to review by an ethics committee all medical research with human beings, including informed consent in non-experimental investigations. This information must be explicit in the methodology or materials and methods in the referred article. These committees must ensure compliance with these principles and the RVSP ethics policy, according to the guidelines set forth in the following documents:

  1. Declaration of Helsinki: Proposal of ethical principles for medical research in human beings including the investigation of human material and information that identifies it.


  1. International ethical guidelines for research related to health with human beings. Prepared by the Council of International Organizations of the Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) where they must comply or in any case not infringe depending on their type and research design, whatever their 24 related guidelines with:
  2. Social and scientific value and respect for rights
  3. Research in low-resource settings
  4. Equitable distribution of benefits and burdens in the selection of individuals and groups of participants in an investigation
  5. Choice of control mechanism in clinical trials
  6. Tension of the health needs of the participants
  7. Involvement of the community researchers, sponsors, authorities
  8. Partnerships for collaboration and capacity building for research and review of research
  9. Persons who have the capacity to give informed consent
  10. Modifications and waivers of informed consent
  11. Collection, storage and use of biological materials and related data
  12. Collection, storage and use of data in a health-related research
  13. Reimbursement and compensation for participants in an investigation
  14. Treatment and compensation for damages related to an investigation
  15. Research with vulnerable people and groups

16. Research with adults who do not have the capacity to give informed consent17. Research with children and adolescents18. Women as participants in an investigation19. Women during pregnancy and lactation as participants in an investigation20. Investigation in disaster situations and disease outbreaks21. Randomized trials by conglomerate22. Use of data obtained in online environments and digital tools in health-related research23. Requirements to establish research ethics committees and to review protocols24. Public accountability for health-related research25. Conflicts of interest