Journal history

                               Brief history of the Revista Venezolana de Salud Pública


Symbolized with the colors of the Venezuelan flag and with the responsibility of a title that emulates other prestigious international journals in Public Health such as the Spanish Journal of Public Health (founded in 1926), the Revista Venezolana de Salud Pública was born on 13 February 2013. This idea arose within the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine of the Deanship of Health Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado" as an academic support to the recently initiated Doctorate in Public Health, with the intention of disseminating all the intellectual and scientific production of the aforementioned postgraduate in the first place, as well as of other postgraduate courses and of the community of researchers of the school, of the country and abroad. That same month of the year 2013, the editorial committee was established and the board of directors was formed by Prof. Leonardo Montilva as Director, Prof. Rafael Gásperi as Chief Editor and Prof. Luis Traviezo as Executive Editor. In April the rules for the edition are approved and the call for the first number of the first volume is made (January to June 2013). In June of 2013 Volume 1, Number 1 is published in printed and electronic format. In November 2013 the Editorial Committee was updated and its directory was restructured and formed by Prof. Rafael Gásperi as Director, Prof. Luis Traviezo as Chief Editor and Prof. Georges Agobian as Executive Editor.

In 2014, under the responsibility of Prof. Luis Traviezo, the process of indexing the journal was initiated and during the course of the same the journal was included in 4 international indexes and 29 records of catalogs, databases, directories and other specialized portals, adding new international scenarios year after year to reach more than 50 platforms that openly disseminate our content. Likewise, national and international consultants were incorporated into the Editorial Committee. With the creation of the UCLA Journal of Directors Committee and the regulations governing scientific publications at the University, an attempt has been made to improve its visibility and editorial quality more and more taking it to international standards. In 2017, Prof. Joanna Santeliz joined the board as Executive Editor, promoting the work carried out so far and continuing the editorial policies of generation, discussion and dissemination of research, knowledge and relevant information in the area of ​​Public Health as well as the creation of scenarios for the development of critical thinking based on the democratization of knowledge, revaluing the link between the practice of scientific research and the attention and resolution of socially relevant problems.