About the Journal
Current Issue
Cover: The magazine is dedicated to the entity from which the magazine arises, to the Postgraduate Degree of the Dean of Administration and Accounting, currently called the Dean of Economics and Business Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, with the purpose of projecting the exchange between national and international researchers. The DCEE postgraduate program has uninterruptedly been a source of training in fourth and fifth level studies in different areas related to economic and business sciences, with a significant number of graduates in each of its programs.
Full Issue
THEORIES, APPROACH AND APPLICATIONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES (TEACs) is a scientific journal, refereed and indexed for biannual publication, totally free, in printed and digital format, with open access, dedicated to the development and promotion of research in the area of Social Sciences, with special interest in the fields and related areas with Management and Accounting. It is an initiative of the Coordination of Postgraduate Studies of the Deanship of Economic and Business Sciences of the Centroccidental University Lisandro Alvarado that aims to exchange national and international researchers.
TEACs is published semi-annually and offers multi-thematic editions. The successive publications in a year constitute numbers of the same volume. Therefore, some editions may have, occasionally, more than one number, which usually refer to a specific subject