Solidarity actions with the damnified of the earthquake Ecuador - 2016


  • Mateo Coello Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador
  • Manuela Cordero Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador
  • Robert Rockwood Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador
  • Matias Zibell Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador


Samán project, earthquake, Ecuador, inclusion, sustainable society


On July 19, 2016, the University of Azuay approves its project called "SOLIDARITY ACTIONS WITH THE DAMNIFIED PEOPLE OF ECUADOR EARTHQUAKE - 2016" which aims to improve the situation of the victims, from the potential of the academy, working from areas such as: culture, economic reactivation, innovation, alternatives for access to decent housing, internal and external communication between groups hosted in camps. These actions are proposed through intervention projects, establishing direct contact with the Samán Camp, located in the Canoa parish, San Vicente canton, in Manabí, shelter coordinated by the INTI Corporation. The proposed methodology proposes that each academic unit present to its Linking Coordination a project framed in the objectives of the "Solidarity Actions T-2016" Program, once these proposals were agreed with the academic boards, the University facilitated the transfer of equipment to the site for the survey the base information, execution of scheduled activities and delivery of results. Each of the projects had the participation of between 2 to 7 teachers and between 15 and 60 students, who in the framework of chairs or internships developed their projects. Today, four projects are underway: Internal, external communication and brand generation. Training in automotive maintenance. Design and manufacture of prototypes in bamboo cane. Housing projects and community equipment, in Canoa-Manabí.


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Author Biographies

Mateo Coello, Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador

Automotive Mechanical Engineer Master in energy planning and management Associate Professor of the University of Azuay Researcher of the ERGON program of the University of Azuay. Ecuador.

Manuela Cordero, Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador

Architect from the University of Cuenca, Master in Design from the Universidad del Azuay in Cuenca - Ecuador; Diploma in Social and Political Anthropology at FLACSO - Argentina., Professor at the Faculty of Design at the University of Azuay. Ecuador

Robert Rockwood, Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador

Engineer in Automotive Mechanics. Universidad del Azuay Master in Automotive Engineering. Tecnológico de Monterrey
Professor of the Faculty of Science and Technology and Researcher of the ERGON program of the
University of Azuay. Ecuador

Matias Zibell, Universidad del Azuay. Ecuador

Bachelor of Social Communication with a focus on Journalism at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Master in Global Media and International Communication Goldsmiths College of the University of London. University of Azuay. Basin. Ecuador


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How to Cite

Coello, M., Cordero, M., Rockwood, R., & Zibell, M. (2017). Solidarity actions with the damnified of the earthquake Ecuador - 2016. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 10(21), 13-28. Retrieved from