Tax burden and business management in Venezuela


  • Marisela Cuevas Sarmiento Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela


tax burden, business management, tax, doing business


The aim of this essay is to analyze the incidence of the tax burden on business management purposes in Venezuela to locate or not as a threat in the context of tax planning. The results of the tax burden in Venezuela were studied and compared with the same value in Latin American countries and countries outside the OECD in order to determine its impact on business management by relying on Doing Business index. At the end of the investigation, it was concluded that despite the perception that the tax burden in Venezuela is high, is quantitatively one of the lowest in the world, which cannot be considered a threat to business management, so it is formulate and implement key strategies to exploit the situation from the tax point of view.


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Author Biography

Marisela Cuevas Sarmiento, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Economist. University of the Andes. Venezuela Mention Marketing Management Specialist. Yacambú
University. Venezuela
PhD in Political Studies. University of the Andes. Venezuela
University undergraduate teaching Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado


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DOING BUSINESS (2014). (Consultado el 18-01-2016)
Jarach, D. (1993). Finanzas públicas y derecho tributario. Argentina: Cangallo.
IADB (2013). (Consultado el 23-01-2016)
OCDE (2014). (Consultado el 21-01-2016)
Villegas, Héctor (1990). Curso de finanzas, derecho financiero y tributario. Buenos Aires: Depalma.



How to Cite

Cuevas Sarmiento, M. (2016). Tax burden and business management in Venezuela. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 8(18), 85-99. Retrieved from