Success factors that enhance the export performance of industrial smes mexicanas


  • Luis Enrique Ibarra Morales Universidad Estatal de Sonora. México
  • Mónica Blanco Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. México


exports performance, exportations, internationalization, industrial sem's


Recent studies have pointed that an environment that favors the exportation performance, is the appealing of international markets to exchange products and increase SEM's competitiveness. In the literature, the export performance measurement constitutes one of the most controversial facts regarding the exports management; therefore, different theories and models will be investigated to explain the internationalization process that SEM's perform through different approaches and perspectives. In that sense, shall be determined the success factors that improve the performance of Mexican industrial SME's, in such manner that allows them to develop and promote their exportation in order to become more competitive worldwide for which a measurement instrument of Likert's five points scale, was designed and applied in a pilot test to 30 subjects, which allowed to calculate its reliability, through the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the five independent variables identified in the literature: price (X1 = 0.897); quality (X2 = 0.893); installed capacity (X3 = 0.820); innovation (X4 = 0.836) and financial capacity (X5 = 0.766); while for the exporting factor (Y) the result was 0.758. The variables introduced (X5, X1), explained in a 74.5% (R2 = 0.745) the variability in the answer's variable (Y), while the benevolence of the linear model adjusted was enough and significant in P (value) < 0.05, concluding there is enough evidence in the theoretical framework to sustain the results obtained through the regression model


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Author Biographies

Luis Enrique Ibarra Morales, Universidad Estatal de Sonora. México

Industrial and Systems Engineer; Master in Management
Full-time Research Professor , State University of Sonora
Email:   -

Mónica Blanco Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. México

ministration with a Specialization Public Finance, Master in International Relations , Political Science Ph.D.
Full-time Research Professor , SNI 1. Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon
Email:  --


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How to Cite

Ibarra Morales, L. E., & Blanco Jiménez, M. (2015). Success factors that enhance the export performance of industrial smes mexicanas. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 8(17), 37-52. Retrieved from