Aplicacionismo o abstraccionismo: dos caras de la matemática.


  • Ana Leal Suárez Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela


mathematic, abstraccionismo, aplicacionismo, integrationist, teaching


Exist two general visions about the mathematical one: (1) like science that self-development through deductive processes and (2) like science that serve as vehicle other sciences to explain and until predicting the real. Both visions have been categorized like: "abstraccionismo" (in the case of first) and "aplicacionismo" (in the case of second). The article presented here is has three objectives: (1) to explain both visions through two great theories exposed by two famous outstanding intellectuals in the subject at world-wide level. Being the theory that gives to foundation to the abstraccionismo exposed by the mathematician and French epistemologist Jean T. Desanti and, presented/displayed in its book Les Idéalités Mathématiques in 1968. And by its side the aplicacionismo, in the theory of the English mathematician John David Barrow who exposes it in his book of 1997 Why the world is mathematical? (2) Explain that both views are not exclusive and (3) Submit an integrationist vision of both trends for the teaching of this science.


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Author Biography

Ana Leal Suárez, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Associate Professor at the Universidad Centro Occidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA).
Master in Mathematics
Focus on Teaching Mathematics
UCLA – UNEXPO - UPEL Convention
PhD in Educational Sciences
University of Carabobo.
Email: analeal@ucla.edu.ve


Barrow, John D. (1997). ¿Por qué el mundo es matemático? Grijalbo Mandadori, S.A. Barcelona. España.
Desanti, Jean t. (1968). Les Idéalités Mathématiques. Editions du Seúl. París.
Moreno, A., (2011). “La Matemática Como Pulso Dialéctico de la Vida” conferencia dictada en el Recibimiento de la VIII Cohorte del Doctorado en Educación PIDE.UPEL-IPB. 04 de mayo de 2011.
Moreno, Alexander. (2005). Discurso y Método Dialectico en la Ciencia Social. Forma & Espacio. Barquisimeto. Venezuela
Núñez, Tenorio. (1980). Introducción a la Ciencia. Panapo. Caracas



How to Cite

Leal Suárez, A. (2011). Aplicacionismo o abstraccionismo: dos caras de la matemática. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 4(8), 10-16. Retrieved from https://revistas.uclave.org/index.php/teacs/article/view/1693