Two-sector econometric model and steel industry construction sector. Venezuela case



economic growth, steel construction, econometrics, production function, Iron and steel industry


This research is based on the realization of a model to determine the factors in the two-sector related industries and construction steel, in economic terms, mathematical and econometric Venezuela to generate economic growth. Being a framed research in the field of factual sciences, as a feasible project. Procedurally, the work was done from the application of accepted methodology for the econometric modeling allowed the realization of a production function is inspired by the Cobb-Douglas functional, involving those variables as their coefficients, signs statistically meaningful and fulfilling the properties of this function could be part of the model. In developing the design work resulted in a restricted model inspired the production function of Cobb-Douglas explains 93% of steel production in terms of capital and labor in construction. Conclusions and recommendations are proposed with theoretical and practical applications to guide policy decisions in public and private virtue of the existence of diminishing returns to scale in Venezuela among the sectors under study. Finally simulations are conducted based on two methods of prediction.


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Author Biography

Laura Ysabel Sarabia, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

PHD Economic and Administrative Sciences. Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering, Management. Informatics Engineer. Professor assigned to the Department of Quantitative Techniques of the Deanship of Economic and Business Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.



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How to Cite

Sarabia, L. Y. (2011). Two-sector econometric model and steel industry construction sector. Venezuela case. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 4(8), 47-63. Retrieved from