The Biographical method and experimental science learning. A theoretical perspective viable in the social sciences


  • Morella Acosta Rodríguez Universidad de Carabobo. Venezuela


education, learning, biographical method, life stories


In education there is a particular interest in learning because it is part of education and is directly linked to the work of teachers. The objective of this research was to study the use of biographical method as a way to approach the learning of experimental sciences at university level. Qualitative methodology was adapted to the reality that is studied and how to approach it is with the biographical method. We used life stories, in-depth interviews and content analysis to discover the context surrounding the students. This is a unique case study, in a predominantly descriptive to build an interpretation of the actions of the protagonist. The results indicate that learning involves the conscious construction of the individual, which the informant indicated as fundamental the need for synthesis through summary writing, to strengthen and to understand what is learned through a search comprehensive aspects of learning. The results show that the biographical method is a theoretical option recommended approach to learning.


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Author Biography

Morella Acosta Rodríguez, Universidad de Carabobo. Venezuela

PhD in Education. Chemical Engineer. Professor at the University of Carabobo, Faculty of
Engineering. Coordinator of the Research Line Alternative Focus of the Didactic Experimental Sciences.


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How to Cite

Acosta Rodríguez, M. (2011). The Biographical method and experimental science learning. A theoretical perspective viable in the social sciences. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 4(8), 79-90. Retrieved from