Innovation, intellectual property and competitiveness. The designation of origin as a strategy for competitiveness for shoe industry leon, Guanajuato.


  • Salvador Ruiz Medrano Universidad de Guanajuato. México
  • Monica Colin Salgado Universidad de Guanajuato. México


competitiveness, intangible assets, intellectual property, designation of origin


Currently, a major competitive advantage for organizations is the knowledge, or specifically its intellectual capital, ie its ability to generate and manage their intangible assets. This is because organizations in the "knowledge society ", are required to exploit their competitive resources, that is, must know make heavy use of their knowledge to increase their competitiveness, including through improved their processes and products. One of the main intangible assets that companies can use to generate sustainable competitive advantages in time are the intellectual property. Among the hallmarks of intellectual property is the designation of origin, which allows companies to differentiate their products or services from the competition, and legal protection of these differences through the exclusivity of it. If we assume that the competitive advantage derived from other aspects of the use of intangible assets of an organization, innovation is not just a way to generate value to the organization and thus increase their competitiveness, but also becomes a factor strategy for survival. So that industrial property is the basis of sales and marketing strategy of any organization that wants to internally generate the conditions for the transformation of innovation capacity in intangible assets. The research seeks to argue the ownership of exclusive rights, such as the designation of origin, is fundamental to business success and increased competitiveness of organizations, to the extent that facilitate the increase in intellectual capital them.


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Author Biographies

Salvador Ruiz Medrano, Universidad de Guanajuato. México

Research Professor, Department of Management and Business at the University of Guanajuato. His field of
research focuses on Intellectual Property.

Monica Colin Salgado, Universidad de Guanajuato. México

Research Professor, Department of Management and Business at the University of Guanajuato. His field of
research focuses on aspects related to competitiveness and innovation.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Medrano, S., & Colin Salgado, M. (2010). Innovation, intellectual property and competitiveness. The designation of origin as a strategy for competitiveness for shoe industry leon, Guanajuato. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 2(4), 33-43. Retrieved from