Labour skills and culture university researchers. Coopetition networks



university research culture, job skills, networks coopetition


This dissertation is a reflection, supported by two previous investigations by the writer, the aim is to relate the work skills required by the working environment in Latin America and the responses from the Venezuelan higher education can lead to a changing environment, to articulate these results Approximate diagnosed with university research culture. Then we present a proposal to provide college and environment linkages, and favors a relationship of cooperation and competition between the requirements of the workplace, the skills of university graduates and university research praxis. The method applied to investigations that give rise to this article are focused on: a) review of documents concerning the study (job skills and environment) and b) the hermeneutic interpretation of the data collected through interviews with key informants and the review and analysis literature. In conclusion arises: a) the need to prevail in the Venezuelan university proactive in its relationship with the environment, b) to replace a research culture focused Orthodox culture of obedience, order and pre-established paths, the other marked by the diversity and complexity of social facts, and in keeping with the paradigm shift in the concept of science knowledge and c) promoting innovation in the public university in Venezuela, through its collective mobilization is that habituation to the dialogue, shared knowledge, teamwork and co-opetition networks.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Carolina Carvaja, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Venezuelan Postdoctoral Social Sciences, Communication Sciences, Humanities and Arts, National University of Córdoba, Argentina; Doctor in Human Sciences, The University of Zulia (LUZ); Magister Scientarium in Planning of the National Experimental University of the Western Plains "Ezequiel Zamora" (UNELLEZ) and Sociologist of UNELLEZ, Professor at the Centroccidental University "Lisandro Alvarado" Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Carvaja, B. C. (2010). Labour skills and culture university researchers. Coopetition networks. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 2(4), 59-69. Retrieved from