Beyond the food security, investment and financial distortions: a brief comparative approach of the aggregation and interaction of state intervention


  • Samuel A. Scarpato Mejuto Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela


food and agriculture policies, policy evaluation, sustainable development, democracy and development


For many nations, agricultural development not only meets the fundamental duty of the State to ensure the best possible in terms of access to food as one of the most important social rights in all societies. Beyond that, this essay seeks to demonstrate that this is an area that significantly impacts the behavior of subsequent secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy and may also be a mitigating factor in the consumer price index and unemployment, Which is the central subject of this article. However, the willingness of governments to invest substantial resources might not be enough when public policy in this regard, lacking a functional sense in the aggregation and articulation of these policies. The final reflection which arrives, suggests raising the measurement of impacts through the predictive modeling of public policies and interventions associated, which is essential to avoid wasting time, procrastination resources, lack of effectiveness in meeting the object of the respective policy and, perhaps can be more harmful to the political society, the alteration or loss of legal security and social peace.


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Author Biography

Samuel A. Scarpato Mejuto, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Education Master of Educational Management statement (UPEL)
Doctoral student in Political Science (USB) with deepening area of Public Policy and Comparative Politics
University Teaching Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA)


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How to Cite

Scarpato Mejuto, S. A. (2009). Beyond the food security, investment and financial distortions: a brief comparative approach of the aggregation and interaction of state intervention. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 2(3), 105-114. Retrieved from