Strategies in the minimization of psychosocial risks present in the teaching staff of the bolivarian integral school: "Rafael Rangel" II of The Municipality Nirgua Yaracuy State


  • Lidis Aguilar Pinto Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela


management strategies, psychosocial diseases


We worked on the basis of promoting the minimization of psychosocial risks in the teachers of Escuela Integral Bolivariana: "Rafael Rangel" II of the municipality Nirgua Yaracuy, through management strategies. The study was conducted under the modality of field research under the socio-critical paradigm, participatory action research method (IAP); taking the labor characteristics of 13 teachers during the 2012-2013 school year to be active in their duties. It concludes by highlighting the importance of disseminating information for the health of education workers and urging other researchers to address this issue to promote change. It is recommended that the director of the institution pursue the strategies implemented to consolidate a healthy life culture and act in a preventive manner in the face of threats to the health of the staff. The study was conducted under the modality of field research under the socio-critical paradigm, participatory action research method (IAP); taking the labor characteristics of 13 teachers during the 2012-2013 school year to be active in their duties. It concludes by highlighting the importance of disseminating information for the health of education workers and urging other researchers to address this issue to promote change. It is recommended that the director of the institution pursue the strategies implemented to consolidate a healthy life culture and act in a preventive manner in the face of threats to the health of the staff.


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Author Biography

Lidis Aguilar Pinto, Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela

Teacher of Classroom. Integral Bolivarian School Los Cogollos.
Yaracuy State- Venezuela.
Magister Scientiarum in Educational Management.
PhD student at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV-Yaracuy).


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How to Cite

Aguilar Pinto, L. (2018). Strategies in the minimization of psychosocial risks present in the teaching staff of the bolivarian integral school: "Rafael Rangel" II of The Municipality Nirgua Yaracuy State. Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 11(23), 33-43. Retrieved from