The Virtual education, management and relationship with the theory of resource dependence (tor)



virtual education, management, resource dependency theory


The objective of this research work, of a theoretical-descriptive nature, is to carry out a review of the literature on virtual education, management and the applications of the Resource Dependency Theory. The analysis was carried out based on previous works. Some considerations on the relationship of virtual education with the resource dependency theory (TDR) are also presented, in addition, a synthesis is included that shows the importance of its theoretical postulates in the organizational field. The findings of the work allow us to affirm that the management of virtual education requires the support of the environment, since they are not self-sufficient to generate all the resources and services they require, which leads them to participate in exchanges and transactions with other organizations. The research provides elements that facilitate the understanding of the application of the resource dependency theory in the field of virtual education management, which are relevant to the development of virtual education as it is to take advantage of the resources offered by the setting.


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Author Biographies

Sol Elisabeth Hernández Mejías, Universitaria de la Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Lara Andrés Eloy Blanco. Venezuela

Informatics Engineer. Master's Degree in Higher Education with a mention in University Teaching. University Professor of the Territorial Polytechnic University of Lara Andrés Eloy Blanco (UPTAEB) Barquisimeto Lara state,

Alina Josefina Sosa Requena, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Venezuela

Bachelor of Public Accounting. Master in Finance and Business. University Professor of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA). Dean of Sciences and Technology,
Barquisimeto Lara state,


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How to Cite

Hernández Mejías, S. E., & Sosa Requena, A. J. (2022). The Virtual education, management and relationship with the theory of resource dependence (tor) . Teorías, Enfoques Y Aplicaciones En Las Ciencias Sociales, 15(31), 34-44. Retrieved from