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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Nature of the journal

COMPENDIUM is a peer-reviewed, indexed, of open access and free of charge Journal of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado It is a biannual publication in the field of social sciences. It is open to all national and foreign researchers. It is published in Barquisimeto, Venezuela.

In accordance with the editorial policy of the journal, the reviews are done in a double-blind trial by specialized peer reviewers in the area, for which the author of the work does not know who has reviewed it and the reviewers do not know of the author's name.

For reviews of the articles in their diverse modalities, it is used both institutional reviewers and / or others from national and international universities.

Compendium receives collaborations permanently, with edition closing in June and December.

Compendium is available electronically in:



2. Form and Preparation of the articles 

The work must have a maximum length of 20 pages and a minimum of 15 (including graphics, charts, citations and bibliography). The Editorial Committee may authorize works of more than 20 pages, only if it is pertinent.

Both the work and personal data must be consigned in Word format, in separate files. The sheets must be made with 3 centimeters of margin (left, right, top and bottom), Times New Roman font size 12, line spacing 1.5 (space and a half).

The work must be submitted without information from the author or authors. The data of the author or authors must be recorded in a separate file, including name and surname, academic degrees and institution, ranking (if the author/authors is/are university professor/professors), research experience in the subject of work, place of work, telephone number, fax or email, and ORCID code (mandatory). Indicate the institution that provided the financial support for carrying out the research and acknowledgments (Optional).

Additionally, send "Proof of Originality of the Article" signed by the main author. Model is attached.

Works with more than three authors will not be accepted.

The work must be original and unpublished. At the same time, sending it to the COMPENDIUM Magazine, implies the obligation of the author or authors not to submit it simultaneously to the consideration of other publications.

3. Categories of works to be consigned

The works are categorized as research or essays. Both must be the product of research and meet the requirements of rigorous reasoning, systematic exposure and updated bibliographic information. They differ only in the structure of presentation. Book reviews, interviews and transcripts of conferences of a scientific or academic nature are also accepted.

The work must be preceded by a summary of no more than 160 words of extension (keeping the same margins, type and size of letter and line spacing) in Spanish and English.

The summary in English must be preceded by the title in English. The work can be returned due to translation failures.

They must submit 3 to 4 key words at the bottom of the summary, in Spanish and English.

Research articles. Structure

Introduction, development of the work (It contemplates three parts: 1. the theoretical and empirical foundation that supports the article, 2. the methodology, and 3. the results and their discussion), conclusions and bibliography.

Essay articles. Structure

Introduction, dissertation, conclusions and bibliography.

In both cases, support elements can optionally be used: tables, charts and graphs; explanatory notes. Tables, tables and graphs should be explained by themselves and be relevant; additionally, they must be referenced in the text.

As for the notes, they must have a moderate extension and will be placed before the bibliographic references using sequential numbering according to order of appearance.

For book reviews are required: the cover in high resolution digitalized, data of the author of the review, email, institutional adscription and brief curriculum vitae. If it is an interview, send the data of the interviewer and the interviewee, email, institutional affiliation and brief curriculum vitae of both. Finally, in the case of conference transcripts, the general data of the event is required, responsible for the editing and correction, email, institutional affiliation and brief curriculum vitae of the lecturer.

4. Preparation of the works

In the development of the article, the bibliographical references will be made in compliance with the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA) 2017, sixth edition:

Non-textual references indicate last name and year. Examples: a single author (Freitez, 2017), two authors (Zapata and Mirabal, 2017) and with more than two authors (Zapata et al., 2017).

For the textual citations, which should be enclosed in quotes in the development of the article, add the page number or range of pages. Examples: (Reyes, 2017, p.8) or (Reyes, 2017, p.8-9). Textual citations of less than 40 words are written within the text and those of more than 40 words in a separate paragraph.

To differentiate works by the same author with the same year of publication, use lowercase letters as follows: (Rangel, 2017a) and (Rangel, 2017b).

In the bibliographical references, acronyms of the institutions or organisms that act as authors of the materials should not be used. They can be used in the development of the article: the first time the institution is referenced, for example, Lisandro Alvarado Centroccidental University (2017), later, UCLA (2017) can be placed.

The bibliography should be limited to sources cited at work and avoid references to unpublished works. The citations and bibliographical references must coincide.

Examples to make the Bibliographic References


Hernández, R., Fernández, C. y Baptista, P. (2006). Metodología de Investigación. México: McGraw Hill.

Articles in Journals

Lima, J. (2004). O trabjalho autogestionário em cooperativas de produção: o paradigma revisitado. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. 19(56), 45-150. Recuperado de:

Articles or chapters in compiled or collective books

Hernández, A. (2007). Cooperativas, empresas y capital social. En Lucena, H. (Coordinador), Hernández, A. y Freitez, N. (Editores), Cooperativas, Empresas, Estado y Sindicatos. Una vinculación necesaria (101-121). Venezuela: Fondo Editorial UCLA y Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, mención Estudios del Trabajo de la Universidad de Carabobo.

Publications of scientific events

Guerra, A. (Abril de 2006). Redes, economía informal y sociedad civil: relaciones con el Estado en Venezuela. Ponencia presentada en las VI Jornadas de Investigación del Decanato de Administración y Contaduría de la UCLA. Barquisimeto. Venezuela. Recuperado de:

Academic research works

Solis, M. (2005). Formas de organización en ambientes basados en redes empresariales. Estudio de caso de una empresa barquisimetana del ramo de maquinaria pesada. Período Octubre 2004-Febrero 2005 (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Barquisimeto, Venezuela. 

Interviews published in print media

García Otero, P. (19 de agosto de 2007). Chacao va a sobrevivir por liderazgos [Entrevista a Emilio Graterón. Consejal de Chacao]. El Universal, p. 4-2.

 Legal references

Asamblea Constituyente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (1999). Constitución.(Gaceta Oficial No. 36.860 de fecha 30 de diciembre de 1999). 

República Bolivariana de Venezuela (2001). Exposición de Motivos del decreto con fuerza de ley especial de asociaciones cooperativas (Gaceta Oficial No. 37.285 del 18 de septiembre de 2001).

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Economía Comunal (2008). Decreto con Rango, Valor y Fuerza de Ley para la Promoción y Desarrollo de la Pequeña y Mediana Industria y Unidades de Propiedad Social. Recuperado de:

References to On-line Materials

Magariños, J. (1998). Esbozo semiótico para una metodología de base en ciencias sociales. Recuperado de: 

Alianza Cooperativa Internacional (2006). Estadísticas sobre el cooperativismo en Venezuela. Recuperado de:

Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (2007). Educación ambiental para la sostenibilidad. Venezuela: Comisión de Ambiente. Recuperado de:

Manuscripts that do not comply with the aforementioned instructions will not be considered for evaluation.

5. Work review and approval considerations

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make adjustments and changes in a way that ensures the quality of the articles accepted for publication.

The Scientific Journal COMPENDIUM authorizes the partial reproduction of the articles as long as the Intellectual Property regulations are respected and the credits of the journal and the authors are recognized. The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors.

The journal reserves the right to reproduce in other printed and / or electronic media.

In no case, the consigned originals (printed or on CD) will be returned to the author.

The evaluation criteria of the articles take into account the following aspects: full statement of the objectives and methodology, coherence and clarity in the presentation and discussion of the arguments, theoretical and empirical basis that supports the article, bibliographic references of scientific value, in terms of its reliability, validity and topicality.

The evaluation process will end with an opinion adjusted to the following results:

Approved for publication without modifications.
Light modifications are required. The article will be returned to its authors with the pertinent recommendations.
Substantial modifications are required. The article will be returned with the pertinent recommendations and it will be up to the authors to incorporate the indicated modifications to submit it again for evaluation.
Not publishable. The article has shortcomings of substance and form. It can not be evaluated again.

6. How to send the work

The work can be sent to the emails:

e-mail: -

Last Update: Febrero 2018.



By means of this, I declare (declare) that the article entitled: ______________________________________________________________________ which I submit (submit) to the consideration of the Compendium Scientific Committee Editor, is an original work, that is, it has not been published in other journals previously nor in any other printed or electronic source.

Declaration I make (we do) in the city of ____________________ on ___________ days of the month of ______________ of the year _____.

Indicate: Names and surnames, identity card / passport number, email, ORCID code and institution. 



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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.