Being and truth Are we facing the end of the era of truth?




culture, epistemology, philosophy, ontology


This essay presents preliminary reflections in relation to the new worldview of being within the framework of current epistemology. The purpose is to analyze the concept of being to understand how it is configured from another fundamental concept of philosophy: truth, theoretically approaching a definition of being, pondering about existence or non-existence. Through an analytical documentary review, it begins with a brief historical overview of the distinction of being by four authors who have dealt with the concept at different historical moments: Parmenides, Aristotle, Saint Thomas Aquinas and Heidegger, concluding that the denial of truth implies the denial of being.


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Author Biography

Marian Suárez Rojas, Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo (Cendes). Universidad Central de Venezuela

Degree in Education, mention in Planning UCV. Magister Scientiarum in Development Planning, Cendes – UCV. PhD candidate in Management Sciences, Latin American and Caribbean University. Professor of the Area of ​​Planning Theory and Method at the Center for Development Studies (Cendes). Central University of Venezuela (UCV).


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How to Cite

Suárez Rojas, M. (2023). Being and truth Are we facing the end of the era of truth?. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 9(2), 143-155.