A critical and propositive look at the sustainable development goals





Development, Sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals, Alternative ways of life


The SDG Agenda created in 2015 integrates 17 objectives that must be met by its signatories by 2030. Its roots go back to the establishment of Agenda 21 at the Rio de Janeiro Summit in 1992 and are derived from the renewed Development Goals Millennium Development Goals defined in the year 2000. In formal terms, the SDGs have generated more acceptance than rejection, although they have been the subject of various criticisms regarding their vision, their contents and their degree of compliance. Beyond the technical adjustments that may be suggested for its full execution, a thorough review of its conceptual bases is proposed with a view to its reformulation and alternative overcoming.


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Author Biography

Francisco Velasco Páez , Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo (Cendes). Universidad Central de Venezuela

Venezuelan. PhD in Development Studies from the Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo, CENDES, of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Specialist in Ecodevelopment from the University of Montréal. Master of Science in Urban Planning from Mc Gill University. Director, Head of the Urban Regional Area and research professor at the Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo, CENDES, of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Interested in socio-environmental studies. Member of the Observatory of Political Ecology of Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Velasco Páez , F. (2025). A critical and propositive look at the sustainable development goals. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 11(1), 99-109. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14889867