About politics, economy and engagement: disquisitions and premonitions





About politics, economy, engagement


If a brief and very tight overview could be made of the transcendental changes that humanity has experienced, some facts could be pointed out that are common to the conditions that have marked each stage of history: technological innovations, the appearance of power groups, shared interests, promising speeches that predict improvements and transformations, even strategies that make possible the intentions of the different social actors and the political-economic systems that have given rise to and have governed the lives of human beings.


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Author Biography

Marcelino Castillo Nechar, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Mexican. Doctor in Political and Social Sciences from the Center for Research and Teaching in Humanities (CIDHEM), Mexico and Postdoctorate in Economic and Legal Sciences from the Miguel de Cervantes European University, Valladolid, Spain. He is a member of the National System level II and, currently, a full-time research professor at the Center for Research and Tourism Studies (CIETUR) of the Faculty of Tourism and Gastronomy of the U.A.E.M., from 1987 to date.


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How to Cite

Castillo Nechar, M. (2021). About politics, economy and engagement: disquisitions and premonitions. Ágora De Heterodoxias, 7(2), 14-28. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7113646


