Política anti-plágio

Ágora de Heterodoxias, as a digital scientific journal, maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that pays special attention to the fact that all submitted manuscripts are original and unpublished. In doing so, different free access platforms are used on the Web with which  singularity is supervised and plagiarism is controlled, with the intention to protect the originality of the contents that are published. This anti-plagiarism policy allows to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.  These are the platforms: (http://plagiarisma.net/es/; https://www.plag.es/; https://www.plagscan.com/es/;https://www.duplichecker.com/
Manuscripts are subject to anti-plagiarism programs in two moments:a) when the editorial committee receives the manuscript, verifies compliance with the journal's rules, originality and authenticity of the document (discarding possible plagiarism) b) when the referees assess the paper and check the possibility of plagiarism of the manuscript evaluated.