
Agora de Heterodoxias is born as an initiative of former Deanship of Administration and Accounting of the Centroccidental University Lisandro Alvarado. It comes up as a digital scientific journal refereed by double blind system, published every six months. It was a multidisciplinary journal on its first three volumes, whose numbers included five areas: health sciences, social sciences, engineering, veterinary sciences, as well as humanities and arts.  Its articles were presented with photographic reprints that offered the reader with a metaphor of the content they were to review. The intention was to give multidisciplinary answers to the socio-productive, technological and humanistic environment.
In 2017, by signing a cooperation agreement the network that supported the creation of the journal was consolidated in order to support the journal's international vision.  Universities such as Centroccidental University "Lisandro Alvarado", the State University of Sonora, Mexico and the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador signed the agreement and thus the Red para la difusión científica y humanística Heterodoxias (ReDCyHH) is consolidated.  Its purpose was to strengthen interuniversity cooperation for the dissemination of our journal.
Also in 2017, the Red de Investigación Transdisciplinaria Científica y Humanística Heterodoxias (RITRACH) was founded in Costa Rica, which is made up of researchers and  professors from Spain, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and the United States.  Among its objectives the support for scientific publications led by members is hightlighted.
Since 2018, Social Sciences is the only area to publish in the journal though our international and interdisciplinary character is maintained. Thus, from the premise of spreading cooperation, the communion of the scientific diffusion of different disciplines of social sciences and artistic expressions is cultivated. All the covers of our journal exhibit a work of the Venezuelan plastic artist, Jesus Pernalete Tua. In this way, the harmony and beauty of the arts in confluence with the divergences and the dissertations of the scientific findings are expressed

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