Acesso aberto

AGORA DE HETERODOXIA is an open access, scientific magazine that starting from the year 2018 it went to be a digital monthly publication about Social Sciences; interdisciplinary, international, arbitrated and indexed. Scientific magazine online from the deanery of Economic and Business sciences of the Midwest University Lisandro Alvarado, which is published in trhee languages: Spanish,  English and Portuguese.

Its digital format is published once every semester.  This two issues conform numbers of the same volume.  Journal is published in Barquisimeto (Venezuela). Due dates close in January and July.  Free communication of high quality research for general public is one of our principles.

Agora de Heterodoxias publishes

  1. Articles and essays from well-known experts
  2. Communications to divulgate final findings of graduate and pos-graduate students´ scientific papers
  3. Rapporteurs of academic events of a multi and interdisciplinary nature
  4. Book reviews and comments
  5. Exposures of conferences that may be the result of disciplinary and interdisciplinary complementarity

Privacy statement

Authors personal information given by authors to the editorial board of the journal -such as addresses and telephone numbers- are private and not subject to be communicated and/or shared by this journal.  Whereas, in order to keep communication among readers and authors,  e-mails are public if the later so decide.

Copyright notice

Authors keep copyright to reuse the article for teaching and research purposes. Readers and users can reuse the article for teaching and research purposes, but not for commercial purposes.  Ágora de Heterodoxia is not responsible for the information provided by collaborators, which does not necessarily constitute the point of view of the publication.