Changes in soil P-fractions by the addition of phosphoric rock at different incubation times and moisture contents
Acid soils, microbial biomass, P-adsorption, P-fractionationAbstract
The objective of this study was to compare the dissolution of the phosphate rock (PR) Monte Fresco in two acidic soils very contrasting in physicochemical characteristics, through a scheme of fractionation at different periods of incubation and moisture contents. Iguana, a very sandy soil with a low natural fertility and low phosphate retention; and much more acid Bramón soil with a higher exchangeable Al content but with greater natural fertility and high capacity of phosphate retention. Iguana soil dissolved the PR in a greater proportion than the soil Bramón, since this soil, despite its strong acidity presented high levels of P (total and available) and exchangeable Ca which generated less appropriate conditions for the reaction of the PR. During incubation with PR, as a result of the redistribution of the major fractions of P (P-HCl and P-residual) originally present in the PR, occurred a significant increase for the P-resin and microbial-P fractions in Iguana soil; and in P-resin, microbial-P, NaOH-Pi and Po for Bramón soil, in this case, possibly associated with its higher C content. Higher moisture contents decreased more labile P-fractions (resin and NaHCO3) values in both soils, which implies, a higher adsorption of P due to a greater contact between the adsorbent surfaces and newly released P from the PR.
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